昨日は仙台で講演をさせていただきました。その名も「Mission Tohoku」。放射線技師さんたちを中心とした会です。東北地方でもまだ十分に脳梗塞の急性期治療が普及していません。そこでそれを強く呼びかけて欲しいという依頼でした。
Yesterday, I made a lecture at Sendai. The meeting name was 'Mission Tohoku' aiming skill-up of paramedical staffs and contribute to stroke treatment in Tohoku area.
They requested me to motivate the attendances to increase acute stroke intervention because it is not spread there.
I felt passion of more than 250 attendances with hot discussion even after the meeting.
However, I don't understand the reason of low penetration rate of thrombectomy in Miyagi prefecture having a big city, Sendai. Doctors and paramedicals in the area should find the reason.
Thank you for inviting me, Dr. Takahashi and committee members.
I'm happy if my talk would contribute to increase of acute stroke intervention in Tohoku area.
Yesterday, I made a lecture at Sendai. The meeting name was 'Mission Tohoku' aiming skill-up of paramedical staffs and contribute to stroke treatment in Tohoku area.
They requested me to motivate the attendances to increase acute stroke intervention because it is not spread there.
I felt passion of more than 250 attendances with hot discussion even after the meeting.
However, I don't understand the reason of low penetration rate of thrombectomy in Miyagi prefecture having a big city, Sendai. Doctors and paramedicals in the area should find the reason.
Thank you for inviting me, Dr. Takahashi and committee members.
I'm happy if my talk would contribute to increase of acute stroke intervention in Tohoku area.