先週は脳卒中学会Stroke 2019でした。
東京女子医大の北川一夫先生が脳卒中学会、岐阜大学の岩間 亨先生が脳卒中の外科学会、そして石川達哉先生がスパズムシンポジウムの会長をされました。
血栓回収療法の時間延長のエビデンスを創出して世界的に有名なRaul nogueira先生、新たな血栓回収デバイスEmbotrapのデータを発信しているOsama Zaidat先生のご講演の座長を担当させていただきました。
自身の二つの発表は、ひとつは血栓回収療法の全国調査(RESCUE-Japan Project)、もう一つは新たな吸引デバイスSofiaの紹介をしました。
I attended Stroke 2019 last week.
The president of Japan Society of Stroke was Prof. Kazuo Kitagawa, Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Stroke was Prof. Toru Iwama, and Spasm symposium was Dr. Tatsuya Ishikawa.
This time, I acted as chairperson many times including special lectures by Dr. Raul Nogueira, who opened the window of thrombectomy for late presented patients by an RCT, and Dr. Osama Zaidat who published a registry of a new thrombectomy device, Embotrap.
My own talks were regarding national survey of thrombectomy, RESCUE-Japan Project, and a new aspiration device, Sofia.
I'm happy that the talks went well and there were many responses.
The meeting was successful with many participants.
I'd like to thank everyone for their cooperations.