At the end of the 18th century, the most glorious kingdom in Europe would face a mighty foe, the power of its own people.
the Concierge prison
3:20 has ordained 「定めた」
3:40 gilded laughter「金ぴかの笑い」
3:45 glittering crowd「ぴかぴか光る群衆」
5:00 shrub「灌木」
9:15 In a lavish ceremony
10:00 ensconce 「身を落ち着かせる、安座させる」
Ensconced in their royal apartment in Versaille Loui and Marry Antoinette begin their new lives.
18:45 promiscuous harlot 乱雑な売春婦
20:50 freakish weather「気まぐれな天気」
25:35 quasi- 「準」
27:00 bastille
30:30 dismantle the past itself 「過去そのものを破壊する」
30:50 despotism 「専制政治」
31:50 muzzled under the old regime 「旧体制のもとで沈黙させられた」
32:45 outlet for his venom 「彼の毒の捌け口」
32:50 malcontent 「造反者」
32:55 funnel 「じょうご」
33:25 lambaste 「~を激しく叱る、酷評する
34:45 pike 「槍」
34:50 grievance 「不平」
35:40 protagonist 「主唱者」
36:45 in grave danger
37:10 decapitate them and stick their heads on pikes 「彼らの首を切り頭部を槍に刺した。」
37:15 like banshee「バンシ―(家人の死を予告すると言われている女の妖精)のように」
37:25 frenzy 「逆上」
37:45 tear her bed to pieces
38:00 storehouse 倉庫」
38:55 Tuiley in Paris
39:00 Versaille is abandoned
39:40 May 1791, it is
40:45 (Sarah Maza Northwestern University)
Lui had decided by 1791「ルイは1791年までに」
41:00 Tuiley Paris「パリのテュルリー」
41:05 The 21st of June 1791, The King and Queen disguised themselves
41:50 rumor entourage
40:30 (Lynn)
42:25 show no reverence 敬意を表さなかった」
42:45 (Sarah Maza Northwestern University)
abandon his people
43:40 all remnants of the medieval past
44:00 panoply 「盛大な儀式」
44:10 (David Bell - Johns Hopkins University)
44:32 Journalist Marat
45:17 the national razor
45:23 (William Doyle - University of Bristol)
French revolution It’s painless.
46:12 Robespierre argues
46:42 1792 Marry Antoinette
47:08 undermine
47:25 playing a double game 裏表のある行動をとって
48:00 Paris is a tinderbox 「一触即発の場所」
48:25 the 10th of August 1792 thousands of armed
48:33 Brunswick
48:52 French Republic is born
49:00 is christened「使われる」
49:25 August 1792, with the King
50:00 (David Bell - Johns Hopkins University)
50:20 The Sans-Culottes seize control of
50:55 herded into prison
51:03 Robespierre
51:08Gerge Danton
51:15 gregarious and flamboyant 「社交的ではでやかな」
51:35 (Jack Censer-George Mason University)
Robespierre simply cannot
52:23 morass paper will「困らせる」
52:40 (Alan woods- Author In Defense of Marxism)
52:57 In the first week of September disastrous
53:03 Prussia
53:15 sans-culotte
53:25 refractory priest 「手に負えない」
53:30 impromptu trials they were very short and 「即席の裁判」
53:44 mutilated priest 「手足を切られた」
54:00 September massacre 「9月の虐殺」
55:00 there was a time Robespierre
The Gironde
56:05 (William Doyle - University of Bristol)
of betraying the country in a time of war. Then the
On the 20th of January 1973
I die
at 10:22 a.m. The King
Jan Paul Marat
58:57pivotal moment 「重要な局面」
59:37 tirade 「長広舌」
59:58 (William Doyle - University of Bristol)
1:00:33 Charlotte Corday a passionate and determined woman
(Jack Censer-George Mason University)
Charlotte Corday
1:02:05 revolution has its first murder
1:02:26 1793
1:02:30 bloody atrocities
1:04:15 royal blood
1:05:40 On the 15th of October, Marry
incest 「近親相姦」
her hopes were dashed「彼女の希望は打ち砕かれた。」
1:09:40 September 1993
1:10:04 In a humiliating defeat
1:10:50 bloodbath
Danton and Robespierre
1:11:54 the reign of terror
1:11:59 (Sarah Maza Northwestern University)
1:13:22 set up the revolutionary tribunal「革命裁判所」
1:13:26 streamline 「合理化する」
1:13:30 new 12 men council
1:13:33 called the Committee of Public Safety
1:13:45 ultimately
1:14:24(David Jordan University of Illinois Chicago)
The revolution has hardened Robespierre one a fear supporter
1:14:36 The Catholic Church
1:15:15 Jacques René
1:16:35 unrelenting brutality
1:16:42 Lyon
1:17:13 the National Razor
1:17:42 Napoleon Bonaparte
1:18:36 Maximillian Robespierre
1:19:11 Republic of Virtue
1:19:30 On the 5th of February 1794 Robespierre gave a speach
1:19:42 disastrous but power without terror is powerless.
1:19:50 others disagree Danton heading down the wrong path
1:20:12 By the spring of 1794
executioner it is worth seeing
1:21:44 (David Bell - Johns Hopkins University)
1:22:05 June 1794
Festival of supreme being 「最高存在の祭典」
1:22:26 with a new rational devotion
1:22:40 (David Bell - Johns Hopkins University)
cult of supreme being
1:23: realm of reality
1:23:42 26 of July insinuate
1:24:50 semi-conscious his jaw shattered Robespierre
As h
1:26:24 On the 27th of July
1:27:18 stagnant Napoleon Bonaparte his meteoric rise
1:27:37 (Sarah Maza Northwestern University) people
1:29:10 fraternity