

★★高橋是清  たかはしこれきよ

2015-09-11 | ベック式!日本史用語集













行く再禁止 これ管理?

1931年 金輸出再禁止







It was critical to import a vast amount of resources to carry out war, and Korekiyo TAKAHASHI, the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan had difficulty in raising such funds because international opinion underestimated the prospects of a Japanese victory.




Korekiyo first visited the United States, but did not receive any attention at all from American financiers.


渋沢栄一に加えて井上馨や加藤高明、高橋是清も反対論を唱えて衆議院を説得しようとしたために政府は彼らの説得に苦慮したが、同年3月16日に賛成243・反対109で可決された。(1906年 鉄道国有法)


With not only Eichi SHIBUSAWA but also Kaoru INOUE, Takaaki KATO, and Korekiyo TAKAHASHI opposing the bill and trying to persuade the Diet, the government had trouble dissuading them, but on March 16 in the same year, the bill was approved with 243 in favor and 109 opposed.



The first Yamamoto Cabinet, established immediately after Katsura's resignation, invited some influential members of the Seiyukai to be the ministers of his administration, such as Takashi HARA (as the minister for home affairs) and Korekiyo TAKAHASHI (as the minister of finance).


なお、大蔵大臣高橋是清によって参謀本部廃止論が唱えられたのもこの内閣のことであった。(1920年9月 原敬内閣)

It was in this Cabinet that that Korekiyo TAKAHASHI, the Minister of Finance proposed the theory of the abolition of the staff headquarters.



The government based on political parties led by Takashi HARA and Korekiyo TAKAHASHI had a very short life of less than four years.



After Takashi HARA was assassinated, Korekiyo TAKAHASHI was hastily invited to be the new president, for which the party split into two factions; one supporting Takahashi led by Sennosuke YOKOTA, and the other which opposed led by Takejiro TOKONAMI that separated from the party and organized the Seiyu-hon Party. 



On January 15, 1924, in responding to a call from KATO and INUKAI, Korekiyo TAKAHASHI, the president of the Rikken Seiyukai Party determined to join them in their efforts to overthrow the KIYOURA cabinet.


On January 18, in the same year, with the assistance of Goro MIURA, Takaaki KATO, Korekiyo TAKAHASHI and Tsuyoshi INUKAI gathered at the house of MIURA and, through discussion, agreed to jointly form the Goken Sanpa (three groups supporting the constitution) and to work together towards the common goal of bringing down the KIYOURA cabinet and establishing a cabinet based on political parties, adhering to the basic principle of constitutionalism.



【ベック式!魔法の日本史実況中継 (古代編)】

【ベック式!魔法の日本史実況中継 (中世編)】

【ベック式!魔法の日本史実況中継 (近世編)】

【ベック式!魔法の日本史実況中継 (近・現代編)】

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地図問題 ティムール帝国とその周辺

2015-09-11 | 世界史地図



 A ティムール  B オスマン帝国  C マムルーク朝  D デリー=スルタン朝(トゥグルク朝) 
 a サマルカンド  b ヘラート  c イスファハーン  d タブリーズ  e バグダード  f ダマスクス 
 g カイロ  h アンカラの戦い  i コンスタンティノープル  j サライ  k デリー