

2019年07月20日 | ここで一服・水元正介


On 2 July, NHK's 'Professional/Style of Work' programme closely followed Haruko Niitsu, the world's best cleaner, for the first time in four years. She was born in Shenyang, China, to a father who was a Japanese orphan and a mother who was a Chinese woman, and was told to "go back to Japan" in China and when she returned to Japan with her family when she was 17.

Kim's parents didn't have a job that they wanted, and the job they hired her for after she graduated from high school was cleaning work, and Niitsu worked hard at it, saying that it was the only job she could get.
Eventually, she moved to Haneda Airport, where she met her boss, Mr Suzuki, who enthusiastically told her to "put more heart into it! He was enthusiastically instructed by his boss, Mr Suzuki, to "put your heart into it!



When Niitsu was disappointed that he unexpectedly came in second in the qualifying round, Mr Suzuki pointed out to him that he could not do good cleaning if he did not have a relaxed mind, and he began to pay more attention to invisible areas and odours.

Finally, they took part in a national competition and won with flying colours. When he first reported it to Mr Suzuki, he told him, "I did it now because I knew I was going to win." Niitsu-san's half-life in search of a "place to belong" is of course not complete here, and we were very encouraged by the sheer number of handmade bamboo spatulas and over 300 different tools she has made.

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2019年07月20日 | ここで一服・水元正介


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