


Now, TV Asahi "Manabu! I watch seasonal production center rice". The area is hometown, Kawasaki-shi of the Toyo University alumni association Kanagawa Branch.
I knew Kawasaki-shi being the production center of the pear for a long time. When I lived in Kawasaki-shi, I have often looked at the field of the pear along JR Nanbu Line. It is the production center of the persimmon, and Kawasaki-shi with the image of the big city is right a town of the fruit.
I took a photograph with a smartphone with the tree of the persimmon which produced a lot of fruits in the middle of a walk in the Yokohama city the other day. One was the bright red persimmon which ripened fully in that.
I climbed the tree of persimmon and picked the persimmon which ripened fully that I softened in the days of a child and ate.
That reminds me Fukushima that was my hometown was a large production center of the persimmon.