厚生労働省「平成26年 人口動態統計(確定数)の概況」によれば、脳梗塞による死亡数は年間6万6,058人でした。一方、昨年のt-PA静注療法は1万件強、血管内治療は6000-7000件と想定されます。つまり、死亡例だけを見ても5万人程度の方がこういった急性期治療を受けられなかったことになります。
At 2nd day of this meeting (Nov. 25th), we will announce 'Society’s declaration to disseminate acute stroke intervention (Kobe declaration).
The efficacy of acute stroke intervention has been established, but how many patient could receive this therapy?
According to the report from Ministry of Health、Labour and Welfare of Japan, 66,058 died from cerebral infarction in 2014. On the other hand, intravenous thrombolysis with t-PA was performed for approximately 10,000 patients, and acute stroke intervention was done for 6,000 - 7,000 patients. Namely, around 50,000 patients died without receiving acute therapy.
Our questionnaire survey showed only 2 of 47 prefectures were covered by acute stroke intervention in Japan.
We should perform acute stroke intervention more and more to save the patients.
So, what should we do?
We have to put our brains together and cooperate to solve this problem.
Please keep paying attention to this action, and help us to make this therapy available anywhere and anytime in our country.
厚生労働省「平成26年 人口動態統計(確定数)の概況」によれば、脳梗塞による死亡数は年間6万6,058人でした。一方、昨年のt-PA静注療法は1万件強、血管内治療は6000-7000件と想定されます。つまり、死亡例だけを見ても5万人程度の方がこういった急性期治療を受けられなかったことになります。
At 2nd day of this meeting (Nov. 25th), we will announce 'Society’s declaration to disseminate acute stroke intervention (Kobe declaration).
The efficacy of acute stroke intervention has been established, but how many patient could receive this therapy?
According to the report from Ministry of Health、Labour and Welfare of Japan, 66,058 died from cerebral infarction in 2014. On the other hand, intravenous thrombolysis with t-PA was performed for approximately 10,000 patients, and acute stroke intervention was done for 6,000 - 7,000 patients. Namely, around 50,000 patients died without receiving acute therapy.
Our questionnaire survey showed only 2 of 47 prefectures were covered by acute stroke intervention in Japan.
We should perform acute stroke intervention more and more to save the patients.
So, what should we do?
We have to put our brains together and cooperate to solve this problem.
Please keep paying attention to this action, and help us to make this therapy available anywhere and anytime in our country.