コンラッドの 『闇の奥』 つながりのラスト。
Penguin版の Heart of Darkness には随分細かい注釈がついていたのだが、そこにやたらと登場したのがこの本。
マクリントック自身、フランクリン卿が辿ったと思しきルートを辿り、最終的には犬ぞりで陸路を探索するのだが、やがて決定的なメモと遺品を発見する。(この辺りの背景や経緯は Wikipedia が詳しい。)
”A sad tale was never told in fewer words. There is something deeply touching in their extreme simplicity, and they show in the strongest manner that both the leaders of this retreating party were actuated by the loftiest sense of duty, and met with calmness and decision the fearful alternative of a last bold struggle for life, rather than perish without effort on board their ships;..."
Francis McClintock,
The Voyage of the 'Fox' in the Arctic Seas:
A narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions
(Könemann Travel Classics)