朝も早く 暗い中を一時間半も運転し、帰宅も遅いです。
そんな獏じいさんの一所懸命な気持ちが、嬉しくて 感謝で一杯です。
I love my grandpa Buck.
He talks to me with big smile,
( I love his clown face.It makes me laugh. )
and hold me up high in the air.

I try to stay up to see grandpa Buck every night.
But he doesn't come home till 8 or 9 o'clock,
so it's too hard for me to keep my eyes open.

Grandma said he's working so hard for us.
He drives 1 hr. and 30 mins to work everyday.
He drives in the dark to work and drives back to home in the dark.
I hope things get better for him, so I can see him more
”今日もこれからたいへんな 一日になりそうなんで、
何か オマエと話がしたかったんで、、、”
と、今朝 電話があり、仕事の事とか、家の事とか
めずらしく 長話をした所です。
本当に 感謝の気持ちで一杯です。

I love you ,grandpa Buck.
Thank you for working so hard for me,
and letting me taste some ice cream. Mmmmm