私たちが昨年報告したRESCUE-Japan LIMITに続き、2つのランダム化比較試験の結果が報告され、広範囲虚血に対する血栓回収療法の有効性が示されました!
We are attending ISC 2023 at Dallas.
Following our report of a randomized controlled trial (RCT), RESCUE-Japan LIMIT, 2 RCTs showed efficacy of mechanical thrombectomy for large ischemic lesion!
The clinical evidence of effectiveness of thrombectomy for large infarction seems to be established, but several similar trials will be reported in the coming European stroke meeting this year. So it might be too early to conclude.
We discussed about meta-analysis of 3 RCTs regarding large ischemic lesion with 2 principle investigators, so it was very fruiteful to come here.