

2022年08月25日 | O60→70(オーバー70歳)

友の死に 決めた道なり 秋が来る

友の訃報 悲しみ越えて 秋に立つ


Today's haiku as I see it

The news of my friend's death has made me determined to face my old age, and autumn is coming.

I am sad to hear of my friend's death, but I will overcome my sadness and face the autumn (my future old age).
August 23, 2022.

Three people from the same hometown, although they had walked different paths, learned in spring that one of them (Akio) was missing (obituary).
In the midst of the Corona disaster, we were unable to visit him or attend his funeral (family funeral), and the sadness and regret we felt when we suddenly learnt of his death lingered.
With the old Bon festival now past and the footsteps of autumn approaching, I decided to live long enough to see my friend's passing, rather than to dwell on sentimental feelings.

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2022年08月25日 | O60→70(オーバー70歳)

The world is not always good. In the Mizumoto district of Hanawa Town, Higashishirakawa County, Fukushima Prefecture, there were two men who were classmates of mine.
Today(2022.8.21), I received a line from one of them, Yoshimi, saying, "Akio-chan, I wonder how he is doing - my phone is not working. I'm worried about him.
So I searched for Akio-chan's parents' house on the Internet and called them. 
Koichi, Akio's older brother, answered the phone, and I asked him if he had heard from Akio.
He said, "Actually, Akio was in and out of the hospital since last year, but he passed away on March 5, and his wife followed him and passed away on March 8."
Well, The Age of the Corona Disaster,I was made keenly aware that in our generation, it is common for people to be dead if we neglect to contact them a little.
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