○ 島民は1日3時間しか働かない
○ 怠け者になりなさい
○ ラバウルのトライ族に「幸福」という言葉はない
○ 傷口(失った左腕)から赤ん坊の匂いがした
○ 神戸のアパート水木荘で紙芝居画家となる
○ 35歳で上京し、漫画家になる。
○ 極貧生活を見かねた両親からのお見合い話、40歳で長女誕生
○ 好きな食べ物は大福、ハンバーガー、アイス
Vaguely watching TV (NHK's 'Wisdom Spring'), I saw a special feature on Shigeru Mizuki.
On the island of Rabaul, Shigeru Mizuki was exposed to the life of the aboriginal Tlai people, and was so strongly resonant that he decided to stay on the island.
So the following are some of the memorable words from the programme.
○ Islanders only work three hours a day.
○ Be lazy.
○ The word 'happiness' is not used by the Tri people of Rabaul
○ Smelled a baby in the wound (lost left arm) (hope for life)
○ Became a picture-story artist at the flat Mizuki-sou in Kobe
Moved to Tokyo at the age of 35 and became a manga artist.
○ At the age of 40, she gave birth to her eldest daughter, who was arranged by her parents, who could not bear to see her living in extreme poverty.
○ Favourite foods: daifuku, hamburgers and ice cream.