

2022年09月11日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ



This morning, I got up early and did sports karaoke for about 5 hours in the karaoke🎤 room.
While drinking 7-Eleven's PB "Imo Shochu", I thought about who the woman I'd most like to meet right now, and Keiko-chan's face from her first year of high school came to mind. 
When I was in my third year of high school, I fell in love with you at first sight, and you were always shining in my heart.
When you were young, you returned to your hometown and got married to a male classmate. How many years have passed since then?
Before I die, I want to meet someone at least once, and Keiko-chan has become number one by far.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2022年09月11日 | 東洋大学校友会(非公式)
来週の大イベントに向けたzoomセッティング、OB会会報投稿者と写真提供者への謝礼と礼状作成、ミニ OB会への返信(近況報告)の編集、OB会会報の残部廃棄、会報保存などを済ませました。


Today was another busy day for me.
I finished setting up the zoom for next week's big event, made acknowledgements and thank-you notes to OB Bulletin contributors and photo donors, edited the reply (status report) to the mini OB Bulletin, disposed of the remaining copies of the OB Bulletin and saved the Bulletin.
On the way home, I did some shopping and first made celery, carrot and radish pickles.
Then I made yakisoba noodles and shredded yams.
I also drafted a post for the Toyo University Alumni Association Kanagawa Prefecture Branch blog and sent it to the Alumni Association headquarters.
On the way, a senior member of the Alumni Association contacted me to say that he would be previewing the venue for the reception tomorrow evening, and I told him that I would like to attend.
I would like to relax on Saturday and Sunday.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )