

2022年09月07日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ


The yen has weakened to the ¥144.80 per dollar level; as of 3 January it was ¥115 per dollar, so the 'speeding' depreciation of the yen by about ¥30 in eight months is likely to keep prices high in the future.
Against this backdrop, recent photos of our recent meals include bibimbap (with hot spring eggs) made with Cardi Coffee's Bibimba stock, curry rice with whole potatoes🥔, and steamed sweet potato, pumpkin and potato.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2022年09月07日 | 三田だより


Today, I helped out at the OB party from morning until 3:30pm. Lunch is my wife's special salmon rice ball.
On the way to the alumni association office, I read the explanation of "Gaslight" next to the former Mita Library, which I am familiar with.
As a result, it was a "Tatsuno-type gasoline meter" instead of a gas lamp. I was very happy that I was able to get an accurate recognition of the objects related to the former Mita Library before they were demolished.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )