
初夏の花々 in 相模原〈英訳付〉

2023年07月06日 | 福島県塙町のお話〈非公式サイト〉


Even in the same lily family, the roadside lily in Yokohama city and the Casablanca that my friend who was my classmate in Hanawa town in Fukushima prefecture raised at his home in Sagamihara city 🏠 are different.
A friend of mine posted on the Hanawa classmate group LINE, "I wish you all the best in the summer heat 😊 Let's do our best against the heat! Casablanca, canna, and dahlia flowers 🌼 are in full bloom."

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2023年07月06日 | たばこの気持ち

Smoking room on the 1st floor of the west exit of Tamachi station, a queue around 6:30 pm.
Even though it's called a line, waiting for about 10 people is not a problem.
Smokers have grown accustomed to endurance year after year. The capacity of eight people is strictly adhered to.
At the west exit of Tamachi Station, there is also a smoking area for heat-not-burn cigarettes in the open space on the second floor. It was large and had a capacity of about 30 people.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )