

2022年09月02日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ


The other day I watched the NHK 'Switch Interview' (experience writer and dark walking guide Jun Nakano x actor Hairi Katagiri).
Words that stuck in my memory are as follows

・The ease of being in the dark.
・The feeling of not being able to see and not being seen.
・The darkness is a place where you can't even see your own outline, where the line between you and the darkness melts away and you are free from everything.
・The modern world is too much biased towards the appearance of a person.
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2022年09月01日 | たばこの気持ち

I have been using online printing for several years now.
I have placed orders for booklets and tabloid newspapers with large and small companies, taking into account their respective areas of expertise.
I am not familiar with the common knowledge and terminology of the printing industry, which often gets me into trouble and makes me learn every time.
Compared to large online printers, small and medium-sized online printers call me after I have submitted my manuscript. Moreover, they also suggest solutions to our inadequacies, and we are grateful for their courteous response.
On the other hand, the major online printing companies only send me emails, which seem to be a one-way street, and the phone is almost always busy. Even now, I am frustratedly waiting for a reply from the online printing company.

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2022年09月01日 | O60→70(オーバー70歳)

In terms of the number of corona cases per 100,000 people, Tokushima and Kochi prefectures were in first and second place in each of the 47 prefectures. (as of 29 August 2022).
All prefectures in Kyushu also ranked high, with the lowest number, 47th, in Kanagawa Prefecture, where I live.
Tokyo is also in the second half of 30th place, so it is necessary to understand the situation in relation to the population and not just the number of infected people reported daily.
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