


2024-10-17 05:22:41 | 雑感


If Money Doesn't Make You Happy Then You Probably Aren't Spending It Right


1)モノを購入するよりも体験を買う Buy Experiences Instead of Things

2)自分のためではなく他人のためにお金を使う Help Others Instead of Yourself

3)大きな楽しみよりも小さな楽しみを買う Buy Many Small Pleasures Instead of Few Big Ones

4)高額な保険を避ける Buy Less Insurance

5)後払いをやめて今すぐ支払う Pay Now and Consume Later


6)購入したものが日常生活に与える影響を考える Think About What You’re Not Thinking About

7)比較して購入するのをやめる Beware of Comparison Shopping

8)お金を使う時は友人に相談する Follow the Herd Instead Of Your Head






When asked to take stock of their lives, people with more money report being a good deal more satisfied. But when asked how happy they are at the moment, people with more money are barely different than those with less






The relationship between money and happiness is surprisingly weak, which may stem in part from the way people spend it. Drawing onempirical research, we propose eight principles designed to help consumers get more happiness for their money. Specifically, we suggest that consumers should

お金と幸福の関係は驚くほど弱く、その原因の一部はお金の使い方にあるのかもしれません。実証研究を参考にして、消費者がお金でより多くの幸福を得られるよう設​​計された 8 つの原則を提案します。具体的には、消費者は

(1) buy more experiences and fewer material goods

(2) use their money to benefit others rather than themselves

(3) buy many small pleasures rather than fewer large ones

(4) eschew extended warranties and other forms of overpriced insurance

(5) delay consumption

(6) consider how peripheral features of their purchases may affect their day-to-day lives

(7) beware of comparison shopping

(8) pay close attention to the happiness of others


(1) より多くの体験を購入し、より少ない物品を購入する

(2) お金を自分ではなく他人のために使う

(3) 大きな楽しみを少なくするよりも、小さな楽しみをたくさん買う

(4) 延長保証やその他の高額な保険を避ける

(5) 消費を遅らせる

(6) 購入品の周辺的な特徴が日常生活にどのような影響を与えるかを考える

(7) 比較ショッピングに注意する

(8) 他人の幸福に細心の注意を払う