It has been so murderously hot and humid lately, I thought looking at some cool photos might cool us.せめて目に涼しい写真を。

Well, actually, these are wedding photos taken by a very talented photographer, Helen, whom they hired for their big day.

I like this picture. Featuring the handrail in it is very clever, I think.
The pool looks very inviting!


As I wrote earlier, they had their wedding at a pool side cafe.
It was such a gorgeous day, they (we) couldn't have asked for a better weather, really.

式の準備中の写真です。 朝から晩までずっと一緒でした。

These are some of "getting ready" pictures.
Helen came to the house in the morning, and was with us the whole day (and night!).
I was curious about how a professional photographer worked, and had decided to follow her movements. But I got busy what with helping my daughter and getting ready myself, I forgot my intention before long.

She has been taking such fantastic photos!

This is one of my favourite photos!
It is stunningly beautiful.
お気に入りの一枚です。 本当に素敵な写真です。

They choose [neon colour] as their wedding theme to compliment the venue, the poolside cafe.
Naturally (or, so I think) there are many colour photos, and they are all lovely, but black and white ones superb, too.

Another favourite photo!
Why am I so attracted to this photo?
Just wedding presents and someone's jacket and hat. Each one of them is an ordinary subject, and yet...
It seems to me this photo has a story to tell, if you know what I mean...
I don't recall having seen these at the venue, so I don't know what colour these things were, and wonder if colour photo of these things would have looked this attractive...I am quite sure I would prefer this black and white version.
I never thought black and white photos can be so, how shall I put it? well, captivating.
All the photos are by courtesy of Helen Warner, these pictures and more are on her website.
Thank you very much Helen, for taking the trouble of sending me these photos

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