カレーなる日々 / शानदार दिन


Now I am at Chennai.

2009年04月18日 22時00分17秒 | 南インド / SOUTH INDIA

Today I arrival at Chennai.
At this place, my South India tour is the end.
Everyday is too much hot for me.

Day after tomorrow I'll going to Delhi.
And I stay at Delhi about 1week,
afetr that I'll going to Rishikesh.
I playing YOGA everyday.

See you next time !


4/1- 4/3 Pattaya(Thailand)
4/3- 4/5 Bangalore(India)
4/6- 4/7 Rameshwaram
4/8- 4/9 Madurai
4/10-4/11 Tiruchirappalli[Trichy]
4/12 Thanjavur[Tanjore]
4/13 Chidambaram
4/14-4/15 Pondicherry[Pondy]
4/16-4/17 Thirvannamarai
4/18-4/19 Chennai[Madras]
4/20-4/25(?) Delhi
4/26(?)-5/28 Rishikesh
5/28(?) Delhi
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