投稿者:鈴木小太郎 投稿日:2021年11月19日(金)13時22分31秒
丸島和洋氏の『武田勝頼 試される戦国大名の「器量」』(平凡社、2017)で、丸島氏が「礫岩のような国家」論に関心を抱かれていることを知り、ついで中澤達哉氏の論文で「ヨーロッパの近世史研究における新たな潮流の一つである「複合王政」「複合国家」「礫岩国家」論」について初歩的な知識を得たあと、ヘルムート・ケーニヒスバーガの「複合国家」論とジョン・エリオット卿の「複合王政」論を追ってきて、まあ、ここまでは良かったのですが、「スウェーデンの歴史家 H・グスタフソンが提唱した」という「礫岩国家」論は何とも妙な感じですね。
The Conglomerate State: A Perspective on State Formation in Early Modern Europe
Harald Gustafsson
It seems today that historians are in general agreement that state formation is one of the principal processes of historical transformation in European history. The territorial, sovereign, unitary state did not exist from time immemorial, nor is it a product of industrialization and nationalism in the 19th century. It is a historical artefact that started to develop during the Middle Ages and underwent decisive change in the early modern period, and is still developing.
In this article, I argue that there is a missing link in the historiography of the modern state. Territorial, sovereign stets did not spring out of the collapse of a feudal system in the late Middle Ages, like Athena from the head of Zeus. Instead, the dominating state type of early modern Europe could be labelled the conglomerate state, a state where the rulers found themselves in different parts of their domains. It was a political, judicial and administrative mosaic, rather than a modern unitary state. But it was a mosaic that was kept together more tightly than its medieval forerunner.
I proceed by discussing some of the later contributions to the debate on the European state formation process, focusing on the view of the early modern state. Then, I discuss my own perspective in more detail, using examples mainly from the two early modern Nordic states, Denmark-Norway and Sweden, pointing at important features in both the character of the conglomerate state, and important steps in its integration. I argue that we need more empirical research, especially in the field of cultural factors, such as ethnically and territorially defined identities.
1. State formation theory
There is a long tradition of placing emphasis on the territorial aspect of the modern state. For one of the most influential thinkers of state theory, Max Weber, territoriality was very important. Most well known in Weber's state definition is the monopoly of violence, but there are other components, too. Weber discussed the state in several instances in his great attempt to create a coherent set of concepts for the study of society, his Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. An attempt to put together a definition from this might be: the state is an organization with a monopoly of
礫岩国家: 近世ヨーロッパにおける国家形成の展望
1. 国家形成理論
近代国家の領域的側面を強調する長い伝統がある。国家の理論において最も影響力のある思想家の一人であるマックス・ウェーバーは、領域を極めて重視した。ウェーバーの国家の定義において、最も有名なのは暴力の独占であるが、しかし他の要素もある。ウェーバーは、社会を研究するための首尾一貫した諸概念を作り出そうとする偉大な試みであるところの『Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft』において、いくつかの例を用いて国家を論じた。この試みから彼の国家の定義を整理すると、次のようになろう。即ち、国家とは(暴力の)独占を……
最後にウェーバーが出てきますが、果たして「スウェーデンの歴史家 H・グスタフソンが提唱した」という「礫岩国家」論は、ウェーバーを超えるのは無理としても、ウェーバー理論の欠点を鋭く指摘するような優れた議論なのか。
丸島和洋氏の『武田勝頼 試される戦国大名の「器量」』(平凡社、2017)で、丸島氏が「礫岩のような国家」論に関心を抱かれていることを知り、ついで中澤達哉氏の論文で「ヨーロッパの近世史研究における新たな潮流の一つである「複合王政」「複合国家」「礫岩国家」論」について初歩的な知識を得たあと、ヘルムート・ケーニヒスバーガの「複合国家」論とジョン・エリオット卿の「複合王政」論を追ってきて、まあ、ここまでは良かったのですが、「スウェーデンの歴史家 H・グスタフソンが提唱した」という「礫岩国家」論は何とも妙な感じですね。
The Conglomerate State: A Perspective on State Formation in Early Modern Europe
Harald Gustafsson
It seems today that historians are in general agreement that state formation is one of the principal processes of historical transformation in European history. The territorial, sovereign, unitary state did not exist from time immemorial, nor is it a product of industrialization and nationalism in the 19th century. It is a historical artefact that started to develop during the Middle Ages and underwent decisive change in the early modern period, and is still developing.
In this article, I argue that there is a missing link in the historiography of the modern state. Territorial, sovereign stets did not spring out of the collapse of a feudal system in the late Middle Ages, like Athena from the head of Zeus. Instead, the dominating state type of early modern Europe could be labelled the conglomerate state, a state where the rulers found themselves in different parts of their domains. It was a political, judicial and administrative mosaic, rather than a modern unitary state. But it was a mosaic that was kept together more tightly than its medieval forerunner.
I proceed by discussing some of the later contributions to the debate on the European state formation process, focusing on the view of the early modern state. Then, I discuss my own perspective in more detail, using examples mainly from the two early modern Nordic states, Denmark-Norway and Sweden, pointing at important features in both the character of the conglomerate state, and important steps in its integration. I argue that we need more empirical research, especially in the field of cultural factors, such as ethnically and territorially defined identities.
1. State formation theory
There is a long tradition of placing emphasis on the territorial aspect of the modern state. For one of the most influential thinkers of state theory, Max Weber, territoriality was very important. Most well known in Weber's state definition is the monopoly of violence, but there are other components, too. Weber discussed the state in several instances in his great attempt to create a coherent set of concepts for the study of society, his Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. An attempt to put together a definition from this might be: the state is an organization with a monopoly of
礫岩国家: 近世ヨーロッパにおける国家形成の展望
1. 国家形成理論
近代国家の領域的側面を強調する長い伝統がある。国家の理論において最も影響力のある思想家の一人であるマックス・ウェーバーは、領域を極めて重視した。ウェーバーの国家の定義において、最も有名なのは暴力の独占であるが、しかし他の要素もある。ウェーバーは、社会を研究するための首尾一貫した諸概念を作り出そうとする偉大な試みであるところの『Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft』において、いくつかの例を用いて国家を論じた。この試みから彼の国家の定義を整理すると、次のようになろう。即ち、国家とは(暴力の)独占を……
最後にウェーバーが出てきますが、果たして「スウェーデンの歴史家 H・グスタフソンが提唱した」という「礫岩国家」論は、ウェーバーを超えるのは無理としても、ウェーバー理論の欠点を鋭く指摘するような優れた議論なのか。