投稿者:鈴木小太郎 投稿日:2013年11月23日(土)23時04分50秒
Audiencia Nacional は「全国管区裁判所」と訳すことが多いようですね。
検索してみたところ、英語では The Center for Justice and Accountability というカリフォルニア州に本部を置く団体のサイトの説明が分かりやすいように感じます。
Unlike U.S. law, where criminal charges are brought only by a government prosecutor, Spanish law allows ordinary citizens to pursue criminal actions by filing criminal complaints. If a victim files a complaint directly with an instructing (or investigative) judge, the victim becomes a party in the case during the investigation and trial phases. This is known as a private prosecution or acusación particular. Spanish law also allows people not directly connected to the crime to take part in the case. Important public interest groups often join these complaints as popular prosecutors or acusadores populares.
刑事手続の遂行を検察官が独占するアメリカと異なり、スペイン法は普通の市民が告訴状を提出することにより刑事訴訟を遂行することができる。被害者が告訴状を指導判事に直接提出した場合、被害者は捜査と裁判の両局面において当事者となる。これは私的起訴または特別起訴と呼ばれる。スペイン法は直接的には犯罪と関係を持たない人々が事件に関与することも認める。重要な公的利益を代表するグループはしばしばpopular prosecutor(民衆検察官?)として刑事手続に参加する。
The criminal division is made up of six chambers. An instructing judge presides over each chamber. For example, well-known Judge Baltasar Garzón has for many years been the presiding judge in charge of Chamber Number 5. Once an instructing judge accepts a criminal case, he or she initiates an investigation that can take anywhere from 30 days to several years. After this investigation phase is concluded, the instructing judge closes the case and transfers it to a tribunal ? normally a panel with three judges ? that will preside over the trial, known as the “oral phase” of the case. Under Spanish criminal law, no defendant can be tried in absentia.
刑事部門は5つの部から構成される。指導判事は各々の部を主宰する。例えば、有名なBaltasar Garzón 裁判官は第5部の責任者である。指導判事が事件を受理した場合、指導判事は捜査を開始し、捜査は30日から数年続く。捜査局面が終結すると、指導判事は事件を通常、裁判官3人で構成されるtribunal(判事団)へ送り、tribunalはoral phase(口頭局面)を主宰する。スペインの刑事法の下では、欠席裁判は認められない。
そして、ここから universal jurisdiction(普遍的管轄権)に関係する一番重要な部分の説明が続きますが、WSJの記事からも想像できる箇所であり、翻訳にいささか疲れたこともあって省略します。
In 1985 Spain passed an Organic Law that defined the jurisdiction of Spanish courts in criminal cases. The law gave Spanish courts jurisdiction in several kinds of cases, such as when the criminal act took place on Spanish soil or when the perpetrator of the crime is of Spanish nationality.
Additionally, the new law gave Spanish courts jurisdiction over cases related to a particular type of international crimes - ones that are of international concern - regardless of the nationality of the perpetrator or where the crime took place. This section of the law incorporates the principle of “universal jurisdiction” - the principle that certain crimes are so egregious that they are offenses against the entire world and can therefore be tried in the national courts of any country. Some of these crimes were listed in the law, including genocide, terrorism and piracy. A residual clause also grants jurisdiction for “any other [criminal act] which, according to international covenants and treaties, should be prosecuted in Spain.” It has been argued that this residual clause incorporates the offenses of torture and crimes against humanity.
The principle of universal jurisdiction is not particular to Spain. International treaties, including the Geneva Conventions and the Convention Against Torture, permit and, in some cases, require nations to prosecute perpetrators of egregious human rights abuses even if those nations have no connection to the crimes. Until recently however, the principle of universal jurisdiction was largely aspirational, an ideal discernible in bodies of international law, but lacking in concrete precedent.
This changed dramatically in 1996, when instructing judges from the SNC invoked the new Spanish law to begin investigating human rights cases arising from the 'Dirty War' era in Argentina and Pinochet dictatorship in Chile. The Argentine cases involved the investigation of some 100 suspects. The Chilean cases focused on former dictator Augusto Pinochet and his subordinates. The case against Pinochet in Spain, and his arrest in England based on an extradition request from Spain, launched the modern concept of universal jurisdiction and opened the door to the exercise of universal jurisdiction over human rights crimes by national courts.
文中に登場するBaltasar Garzón氏はピノチェトに逮捕状を出したことで世界的に有名になった人物ですが、あまりにやり手すぎて国内的・国際的トラブルが続出、特にフランコ政権時代の虐殺事件を掘り起こそうとして逆に自分自身が刑事被告人の立場になり、裁判官の資格を奪われてしまったそうです。
Audiencia Nacional de España 2013/11/22(金) 13:50:42
スペイン語では Audiencia Nacional de España で、裁判所の構成要素である la Sala de lo Penal y la Sala de Apelación が担当し、対象は delitos de crimen organizado como terrorismo, narcotráfico, falsificación de moneda(テロリスム、麻薬取引、通貨偽造等の組織犯罪)などで、この部門の現在のトップは Fernando Grande-Marlaska という人なんですね。上記のla Sala (広間・部屋)は、日本の最高裁における「小法廷」のようなニュアンスでしょうか。
スペイン語では Audiencia Nacional de España で、裁判所の構成要素である la Sala de lo Penal y la Sala de Apelación が担当し、対象は delitos de crimen organizado como terrorismo, narcotráfico, falsificación de moneda(テロリスム、麻薬取引、通貨偽造等の組織犯罪)などで、この部門の現在のトップは Fernando Grande-Marlaska という人なんですね。上記のla Sala (広間・部屋)は、日本の最高裁における「小法廷」のようなニュアンスでしょうか。