Dear Friends
NO Mazaher This week
We have special encounter
Sudanese ? Spanish singer
With Egyptian musicians
19th -20th June
Workshop at MakAn
Rasha arrived to Spain from Sudan in 1991 as a student, where two of her brothers were already living. Her brother Wafir was a consolidated musician and member of Radio Tarifa. With his help, she started to get involved in different musical projects.
In 1997 she records “Sudaniyat”, Rasha’s presentation card as singer, where she shows us a very personal vision of some traditional songs of her homeland. With her first record she became an important figure in the ethnic music scene. She was acclaimed by the critic as a revelation singer, receiving the appraisal of influential music reviewers and reaching even the US market. On the 8th of March, 1998 she celebrates the Day of the Working Woman performing in front of the ONU’s female representatives, and the 13th of March she performed in the Kennedy Center in Washington.
After that, Rasha presented two other works. She recorded with María Salgado, Uxía and Jesús Pimentel “The salt of life”, an innovative idea which integrates rythms and voices from different geographical areas. The other project was called “The black band” where Rasha joint with other African artists, all of them living in Madrid, such as Wafir, the As Brothers, Mass and Pap (from Djanbutu Thiossane)- Seydu and Bidinte. She did a Central Europe tour with them which finished with her presentation at the WOMEX’99.
At the end of 2000, she released “Let me be”, a more personal work, with her own compositions, where she denounces the present situation of the Sudanese people, the problems thousands of emigrants have to face, a work in which she also expresses her illusions, her nostalgia and her most intimate feelings.
This album was welcomed by the critics as the artist’s consecration, widely surpassing the expectation arisen when “Sudaniyat” was published. On December, the 14th, 2000 Rasha was invited to participate in the “Refugee Voices” festival which took place in the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices Theatre in Geneva which coincided with the 50th anniversary of the UNHCR; artists such as Youssou N’Dour, Geoffrey Oryema where there as well escorted by a great band of refugee musicians.
Later on, and due to the success of the festival, the UNHCR promoted the recording of the CD “Refugee Voices”, which was recorded at Youssou N’Dour studios in Dakar. Youssou N’Dour directed and produced the CD and Rasha was summoned once again to participate.
The launching of “Let me be” has taken Rasha to several settings, both national and international, and she has participated in festivals such as Masala, in Hannover. In October, “Let me be” won the 2001 Prize of Folk Music of Villa de Madrid.
Rasha represents the fusion of the musical traditions of Sudan and the West, specially the Spanish musical movements with which she has been in contact since 1991. Her unique voice creates an intimate atmosphere and a special relationship with the audience. In her personal style, influences of Spanish, Arabic and Western music creates a very original blend.
During her tour in Egypt she will participate in a workshop with Egyptian musicians hosted by the Egyptian Centre for Arts and Culture-MAKAN. She will also perform in a fundraising organized by the Rotary Club for social projects in Egypt.
We have very limited seats
If you like to join us send us email and we shall reply you
E-mail: makan@egyptmusic.org
MakAn: 1 Saad Zaghloul Street, 11461, El Dawaween, Cairo.
(On the corner of across Saad Zaghloul street and Mansour street, across the street from the Mausoleum of Saad Zaghloul)
Tel: 02 27920878
please click here to check the map