I'm here to let the good folks know here how strongly I support the national security language initiative. I've had a little problem with the language in the past, so -- (laughter.) If you've got room in the initiative for me, let me know. (Laughter.)
It's interesting, isn't it, that the State Department and the Defense Department are sponsoring a language initiative. It says something about the world we live in. I felt certain that the Secretary of Education would be here. After all, we're talking about education. And I want to thank you for being here, Margaret. But I also find it's interesting you're sitting next to John Negroponte, who is the Director of National Intelligence.
自分は、ここにいるみなさんに、自分がどれほど強力に国家安全保障語学構想を支持しているかおわかりいただくために来ています。自分自身昔語学ではちょっと問題があったんでね。(笑い) 自分のすることがあったら(長官:コンドリーザ・ライス国務長官に向かって)、教えてもらえるかな。
国務省、国防総省が語学構想を援助していることは興味深い。教育省長官もいます。マーガレット(Margaret Spellingsは教育省長官)、ここにいてくれて助かるよ。隣にはジョン・ネグロポンテ国家情報長官も出席しています、興味深い。
One of the stories I like to share with people is this. I -- one of my best buddies in international politics is Prime Minister Koizumi of Japan. He's an interesting person. Elvis was his favorite singer, for example. (Laughter.)
Every time I meet with him, it strikes me as an amazing fact of history that Number 41, President 41, at age 18 fought the Japanese, and 43, his son, is sitting down with the Prime Minister working on keeping the peace. It's amazing to me. And something happened between 41 going into combat and 43 talking to the Prime Minister whether it be about troops in Iraq to help this young democracy flourish in the heart of the Middle East, or whether it be dealing with the leader of North Korea who is starving his people to death, and how do we solve that? What do we do about it?
And what happened was that the Japanese adopted a Japanese-style democracy. It wasn't an American-style democracy; it was Japanese-style democracy. And that society, that form of government was able to convert an enemy to an ally. And that's what's happening. I live it when I talk to the Prime Minister. I see it firsthand. It's a real part of my family's life.
Someday, an American President is going to sit down and thank this generation for having the willpower and the determination to see to it that democracy has a chance to flourish in a part of the world that is desperate for democracy. Someday somebody is going to say -- (applause) -- somebody someday will say we're able to more likely keep the peace because this generation of Americans had confidence in our capacity to work with others to spread freedom.
自分の父が18歳で第2次世界大戦に従軍し、日本と戦ったこと。その息子である自分がその国の総理大臣とbest buddyになっていること等々を語り、中東でも。。。と結んでいる。