

2016年04月18日 | O60→70(オーバー70歳)
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2016年04月18日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」
《どくろ杯 より》(昭和46年5月)



[ken]  中国には清の時代まで、幼児期から足に布を巻き、女性の足が大きくならないようにする「纏足(てんそく)」という風習がありました。それは知っていたのですが、「熊男」や「蝙蝠(こうもり)」というグロテスク過ぎる見世物用人間を造形してしまった中国とは、とんでもなく深い文化(?)を持つお国柄なのですね。(つづく)

From "Dokuro Cup" (May 1971)

page 298
---- After Chiang Kai-shek's rule (in Shanghai), opium bans, grotesque fairs, bear men who peeled off human skin and planted animal fur in its place, and "bat" fights in which infants were placed in boxes as soon as they were born and raised for 10 or 15 years, with fake wings on their backs, were also prohibited. These were forbidden and disappeared from the scene.

Page 315.
I had grown patient, but I was still angry by nature, so I suddenly took a couple of books and tore them down in front of my partner as if to scratch his face, and I thought I had shown him that I would prefer it if he said more. Ponsuke, however, seemed to be impatient in his stomach and pulled out a bag of Rabi-quin from his pocket, lit one of the remaining sticks, crumpled it up, and puffed on it silently.

[ken] In China, until the Qing Dynasty, there was a custom of wrapping a cloth around a woman's legs from infancy to prevent her legs from getting bigger, called "tensoku. I knew this, but I was surprised to learn that China is a country with an incredibly deep culture (?) that has created grotesque human figures such as "bear men" and "bats," which are too grotesque for a freak show. I was surprised to learn that China is a country with an incredibly deep culture (?). (To be continued)

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2016年04月18日 | たばこの気持ち

In April, some smoking areas, including the courtyard, were relocated at Keio University, which has a high level of tolerance for smoking.

The basics remained the same: open space and a minimum of inconvenient locations, rather than "sealed space" and "one or two minimal locations".

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