備忘録として。私が仕事でやっていることが、ほぼ網羅されていると感じた。EUが出している「「新型コロナ危機」後の雇用支援に関する勧告(EASE) 」。若者に特に言及されているところと、長期無業の人へのアウトリーチの必要性。就労支援におけるアウトリーチは、あまり日本では重視されていないのではないか。
14. Member States should provide individualised support to jobseekers, comprising counselling, guidance and mentoring, assessment and validation of skills, job-search assistance, entrepreneurship support and referrals to social services when needed. Specific attention should be devoted to young people, in particular those entering the labour market, and to countering gender bias and other forms of discrimination.
15. Member States should offer support to workers affected by company restructurings, in close cooperation with companies in search of additional skills and workforce. Such support could include personalised career paths, equipping them with the skills needed to transfer to different jobs within the same company, re-employment plans, or external training and outplacement to other firms, together with facilitating crossborder mobility and promoting the recognition or validation of skills.
16. Member States should ensure that public employment services have the necessary operational capacities to directly provide or otherwise contribute to the provision of the different forms of support referred to above. Outreach activities by the public employment services should be promoted, with a specific focus on the hard-to-reach long-term unemployed or inactive youth, in cooperation with social services.