▼先月初旬、日テレで放送された「向井理 激変のキューバへ」は、映像のため息が出てしまうほどの美しさはもちるん、「花と革命」の著書であり、庭師でもあった竹内憲治さんという日本人の歴史を知り、なんだかとても得をした気になりました。
Early last month, Nittele aired a program titled "Osamu Mukai: To Cuba in the Midst of Change," which not only made me sigh at the beauty of the images, but also made me feel as if I had benefited greatly from learning about the history of a Japanese man named Kenji Takeuchi, author of "Flowers and Revolution" and a gardener.
Cuba is also famous for its cigars, and I was impressed to see the skilled craftsmen actually hand-rolling the cigars.
I was also impressed by the expression on Osamu Mukai's face as he enjoyed a freshly rolled cigar with rum.
▼チエ・ゲバラからの厳命である「国立公園の造園依頼」に対して、竹内さんは「花より団子」という日本のことわざを引用し、丁重に断ったのです。ゲバラとの確執の一方、カストロ首相から「花咲か爺さん」と呼ばれるほどの相互理解ができていたようです。Cuba is also famous for its cigars, and I was impressed to see the skilled craftsmen actually hand-rolling the cigars.
I was also impressed by the expression on Osamu Mukai's face as he enjoyed a freshly rolled cigar with rum.