『文豪ナビ 夏目漱石』(新潮文庫編)が結構いけています。永井荷風、金子光晴ときて、次はいよいよ夏目漱石を読もうと思っています。その前に今、正岡子規(ちくま文庫)をリュックに入れて目を通しいますが、ちょっと寄り道がしたくなり、最近の若い人たち向けに、新潮社の文豪ナビシリーズが目にとまり、『先生ったら、超弩級のロマンティストなのね。夏目漱石』を読み終えました。そこで、恒例に従い「たばこの出てくる文章3点」と「その他4点」を抜き書きしてみました。そしたら、偶然にもいろいろ関連性があって、想像の翼がパタパタと羽ばたくような心地良さなのです。
The book "Bungo Navi: Natsume Soseki" (Shincho-Bunko Edition) is quite interesting.
I have finished reading Kafu Nagai and Mitsuharu Kaneko in the collection of writings, and I am finally going to read Soseki Natsume next.
Before that, I am currently reading through Masaoka Shiki (Chikuma Bunko) in my backpack, but I wanted to take a little detour.
Shinchosha's Bungo Navi series for young people these days caught my eye, and I read "Sensei, you are a super-romanticist, aren't you? I finished reading "Natsume Soseki.
So, as is my custom, I extracted "3 sentences in which cigarettes are mentioned" and "4 other sentences". I found that there were many coincidental connections, and it was a pleasant sensation as if the wings of my imagination were fluttering.
《Sentences in which cigarettes appear ④ Points
(1) [Page 45] 10-minute reading "Summary" by Soseki Natsume
The first thing that comes to my mind is that the first thing that comes to my mind is that the first thing that comes to my mind is that the first thing that comes to my mind is that the first thing that comes to my mind is that the first thing that comes to my mind is that I am a good person.
(2) [page 61].
I came to Kagamigaike Pond near the inn and looked. I put the grass on a pillow and pulled the buttocks of the cigarette out. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and rubbed a match with it.
(3) [page 62].
The first time I went to the hot spring, I saw a beautiful woman floating in the water, and I wondered what would happen if I saw her. How about Nami, the daughter of the hot springs resort? What about Nami, the daughter of the hot spring resort? Could that be the picture?
(4) [page 90].
When the red car carrying the parcel was passing by the train, it was sucked into Matayosuke's head. The curtain of the smoke shop was red. The sales banner was also red. The telephone poles were red. Red-painted signs followed, and so on. Finally, the whole world turned red.
Three other items
(1) [page 120].
When Ushigome Chuo Dori Street meets Asahizaka, turn left, then right before Enpukuji Temple, and as the name suggests, go down the stairs of the narrow Sodezuri slope and cross Okubo Dori to reach Ushigome Kagurazaka Station on the Toei Subway Oedo Line. Go up the hill next to the station and follow the street down to the left. The Nihon Shuppan Club Kaikan is on the left and Kosho-ji Temple is on the right.
(2) [pages 130-131].
---- Unlike his rival Mori Ogai, who gave his daughters modern names such as Mari and Anu, Soseki gave them ordinary names such as Fudeko, Tsuneko, Eiko, Aiko, and Hinako. This is very typical of Soseki. In "Tsurezuregusa," too, Soseki gave the same names as in "Tsurezuregusa," but with an unusual twist. It is not good to give a name with an unusual flavor," he wrote. Soseki's indifference to the titles of his novels, even after he became a writer, is probably due to his inimitable character.
(3) [page 137].
After Masaoka Shiki's death, Takahama Kyoshi, who presided over "Hototogisu," following in the footsteps of his haiku innovator, strongly advised Soseki to write light-hearted pieces. He advised Soseki to change his mood. This was Soseki's first step toward becoming a novelist. In January 1905, "I am a Cat" was published in "Hototogisu" at the age of 38. He was 38 years old.