Cheng Li and Wing Hung Wong
Model-based analysis of oligonucleotide arrays: Expression index computation and outlier detection
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. Vol.98, 31-36. 2001
[PDF][Web Site]
・データ:HuGeneFL array × 21個。
・概要「Here, we propose a statistical model for the probe-level data, and develop model-based estimates for gene expression indexes.」
・問題点「Besides the original publications by Affymetrix scientists, there have been very few studies on important "low-level" analysis issues such as feature extraction, normalization, and computation of expression indexes.」
・問題点「In addition, human inspection and manual masking of image artifacts is currently very time consuming and represents a limiting factor in large-scale expression profiling projects.」
・処理「These include acconting for individual probe-specific effects, and automatic detection and handling of outliers and image artifacts.」
Model-based analysis of oligonucleotide arrays: Expression index computation and outlier detection
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. Vol.98, 31-36. 2001
[PDF][Web Site]
・データ:HuGeneFL array × 21個。
・概要「Here, we propose a statistical model for the probe-level data, and develop model-based estimates for gene expression indexes.」
・問題点「Besides the original publications by Affymetrix scientists, there have been very few studies on important "low-level" analysis issues such as feature extraction, normalization, and computation of expression indexes.」
・問題点「In addition, human inspection and manual masking of image artifacts is currently very time consuming and represents a limiting factor in large-scale expression profiling projects.」
・処理「These include acconting for individual probe-specific effects, and automatic detection and handling of outliers and image artifacts.」