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Be Faithful to the Holy Church, and The Joy of The Heaven(The Resurrection Day 2015-04-05)
My dear brethren,
Alleluia! On the day of my ordination, 29th June 1982, Archbishop Lefebvre compared the Church to the body of Christ crucified: the physical body of Christ had been lacerated by the whips, pierced by the thorns and nails, spit upon and hit by the solders, and had become somehow unrecognisable, as Isaias said: “there is no beauty in him, nor comeliness: and we have seen him, and there was no sightliness, that we should be desirous of him: despised, and the most abject of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with infirmity: and his look was as it were hidden and despised,"(Is. 53:2-3).
Yet it was the Body of Christ, and there was no other: Our Lady, one apostle St John, and a few holy women remained faithful. And it was THIS BODY that rose again on Easter morning. In a similar way, by the scandals and errors of the modernists the mystical body of Christ has somehow lost its beauty and comeliness, and has become abject and despised. Yet it is the mystical Body of Christ, and there is no other. We must with Our Lady remain faithful to that One True Church, for there is no other mystical Body of Christ! And it will be THIS BODY that will be restored to beauty and vigour by our Lord Jesus Christ!
At the beginning of the Church, faced with the scandal of the Cross, the sufferings of the Son of God, there were two kinds of heretics; the first denied the divinity of Christ: they acknowledged His human nature, but refused to acknowledge His Divine Nature; thus there was no longer a difficulty with the sufferings of the Son of God, since they no longer believed that Christ was Son of God. These were the Arians.
And there were other heretics who denied his physical body, saying that he merely seemed to suffer: thus they ended up by saying that he was just a ghost and could not suffer; they denied the humanity of Christ: these were the Gnostics. The Church held both truths, that Christ was truly the Son of God, equal with the Father, and truly son of Mary, with a real human nature: two natures, the Divine and the human, in the unity of one Person, the Person of the Son of God.
Archbishop Lefebvre then went on to develop a parallel with our times: faced with the Passion of the Church, the mystical Body of Christ, there are some who deny that the Church’s Faith is unchangeable, they claim that the Church should change with the world: they are the modernists.
They practically deny the supernatural dimension of the Church, as Mystical Body of Christ. On the other hand, there are those who, saying that such scandals could not happen to the Church of Christ, conclude to a ghostly church, practically no longer visible, since it would have no pope, no bishop, etc. These are the sedevacantists and all those who leave the suffering Church and want no relation with the suffering Church under the pretext that “all that rot” could not be Catholic.
But as Christ is eternal, the Church has the promises that the gates of hell shall not prevail against her, and the passion never lasts for ever: after the Passion comes the resurrection. And those who have fallen on the left or on the right need to come back.
The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ gives us hope: we know for certain, with Our Lady, that fidelity will be rewarded and that we will see again the Church come out of this crisis. For instance, if you look at the dates of Saints’ lives in your daily missal, you will be impressed by the number of great Saints after the Council of Trent: there was really a great renewal of Catholic life in the second half of the 16th century, and the beginning of the evangelisation of South America, a new evangelisation of India and as far as Japan.
Also after the French revolution, there were many Saints in France and France was prominent in the missionary work in the XIX century, in Africa (the Holy Ghost Fathers, the White Fathers, the Missions of Lyon), in Asia (the MEP in Korea and China) and in Oceania (Pacific islands and Australia/New Zealand, evangelised by the Marist Fathers).
The important thing is to remain faithful during the Passion, in the time of crisis, neither falling on the left nor on the right, neither denying the Divinity of Christ nor His humanity, neither changing the Church nor leaving the Church by refusing relations with the Church.
God does not change; the Faith cannot change and His Promises are true and reliable. “These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world” (Jn. 16:33).
After each crisis in the Church’s history, there were blessings and Saints IN the Church – and the proud rebels had fallen outside the Church. The bad branches had been cut off, and were decomposing; the good tree survived and was more vigorous. We must at all cost remain in the tree: we would be fool to cut ourselves off under the pretext that there are presently some bad branches in the tree.
They are not faithful to the Catholic Doctrine, those who do not love the Church and fear not to tear themselves apart from her, refusing communion with her. Our Lord Jesus Christ “loved the church, and delivered himself up for it: That he might sanctify it, cleansing it by the laver of water in the word of life: That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any; such thing; but that it should be holy, and without blemish” (Eph. 5:25-27). He shed His most Precious Blood for her! That is how much He loved her.
The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ gives us hope: there is a reward for virtue! Our Lord Jesus Christ was faithful to His Father up to the death on the Cross, and now He received the reward for His Body: the glorious resurrection! We believe also that for all the members of His Mystical Body, if they are with Him faithful until death, they will also be glorified with Him, will rise glorious in the last day and be infinitely happy with Him in Heaven. Our Lord Jesus Christ “will reform the body of our lowness, made like to the body of his glory, according to the operation whereby also he is able to subdue all things unto himself” (Phil. 3:21).
This is an article of Faith: “I believe… in the resurrection of the dead.” Yet we need to know what our Lord Jesus Christ said, that there will be two kinds of resurrections: the resurrection of the just will be unto glory, with a glorious body, and our Lord calls it the “resurrection of life” because they will have “life everlasting”; but there is also another resurrection, the “resurrection of judgement” for the wicked: their body will be reunited with their soul, but in order to share the punishment and condemnation of the soul.
This is perfect justice: indeed the body has shared in the sin, it is just that it shares in the punishment. These are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: “they that have done good things, shall come forth unto the resurrection of life; but they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgment” (Jn. 5:29).
It is worth keeping our body away from all the uncleanness of the world, in order to have part in the glorious resurrection! What does it serve to corrupt one’s body with the false pleasures of the world, if one will have to pay for eternity? Thus consecrated virginity is called an angelic virtue, because it already practices now the risen life: “in the resurrection they shall neither marry nor be married; but shall be as the angels of God in heaven”(Mt. 22:30).
In the Resurrection, one enjoys not only a glorious body, but even more the company of the Angels and of the Saints, and there – in heaven, not on earth – there will no longer be a mixture of good and evil, but there will be only the company of the good ones, of the Saints! This will be truly marvellous: if friendship on earth is already a good thing, that heavenly friendship of the Saints and angels will be a most wonderful thing!
In the Resurrection, one enjoys the vision of God, which will be a joy infinitely above even that of the company of the Saints. St John says: “Behold what manner of charity the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called, and should be the sons of God. Therefore the world knoweth not us, because it knew not him. Dearly beloved, we are now the sons of God; and it hath not yet appeared what we shall be. We know, that, when he shall appear, we shall be like to him: because we shall see him as he is. And every one that hath this hope in him, sanctifieth himself, as he also is holy” (1 Jn. 3:1-3). And St Paul says: “We see now through a glass in a dark manner; but then face to face” (1 Cor. 13:12).
Our Lord Jesus Christ has given us a beautiful guarantee of that Resurrection of the body in the holy Eucharist itself: by eating really His Body, which is risen, we have a token and guarantee of rising with Him: “He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day” (Jn. 6:55). This must of course be a worthy reception of the Holy Eucharist, because if one abuses of the holy Eucharist, one ends up at the opposite, “for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord”(1 Cor. 11:29).
He also gave us a second guarantee of the resurrection of our body by rising the body of His most holy Mother: in her Assumption, Our Lord has already done for her what He will do for the rest of the Church at the end of the world. She was already the most beautiful woman on earth, she is now even more beautiful, in her body and soul. Because she imitated our Lord Jesus Christ perfectly on earth, she deserved to be glorified with Him in Heaven.
Let us pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she may obtain for us an increase of the virtue of HOPE, to desire the glorious resurrection similar to hers with confidence in the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this power He rose his own body, as He said: “I have power to lay [my life] down: and I have power to take it up again”(Jn. 10:18).
By this power Our Lord rose her body; by this same power He will rise our body. Let us pray to our Lady that she may help us to remain faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ in this time of apostasy and betrayal, faithful to the faith of all times, faithful to the morals of the Saints, faithful to the Liturgy of the Saints as she remained faithful at the foot of the Cross until the end. Amen.
Au soir d’Amour, parlant sans parabole
Jésus disait : "Si quelqu’un veut m’aimer
Toute sa vie qu’il garde ma Parole
Mon Père et moi viendrons le visiter.
Et de son cœur faisant notre demeure
Venant à lui, nous l’aimerons toujours !…
Rempli de paix, nous voulons qu’il demeure
En notre Amour !…"
Vivre d’Amour, c’est te garder Toi-Même
Verbe incréé, Parole de mon Dieu,
Ah ! tu le sais, Divin Jésus, je t’aime
L’Esprit d’Amour m’embrase de son feu
C’est en t’aimant que j’attire le Père
Mon faible cœur le garde sans retour.
O Trinité ! vous êtes Prisonnière
De mon Amour !…
Vivre d’Amour, c’est vivre de ta vie,
Roi glorieux, délice des élus.
Tu vis pour moi, caché dans une hostie
Je veux pour toi me cacher,ô Jésus !
A des amants, il faut la solitude
Un cœur à cœur qui dure nuit et jour
Ton seul regard fait ma béatitude
Je vis d’Amour !…
Vivre d’Amour, ce n’est pas sur la terre
Fixer sa tente au sommet du Thabor.
Avec Jésus, c’est gravir le Calvaire,
C’est regarder la Croix comme un trésor !…
Au Ciel je dois vivre de jouissance
Alors l’épreuve aura fui pour toujours
Mais exilée je veux dans la souffrance
Vivre d’Amour.
Vivre d’Amour, c’est donner sans mesure
Sans réclamer de salaire ici-bas
Ah ! sans compter je donne étant bien sûre
Que lorsqu’on aime, on ne calcule pas !…
Au Cœur Divin, débordant de tendresse
J’ai tout donné… légèrement je cours
Je n’ai plus rien que ma seule richesse
Vivre d’Amour.
Vivre d’Amour, c’est bannir toute crainte
Tout souvenir des fautes du passé.
De mes péchés je ne vois nulle empreinte,
En un instant l’amour a tout brûlé…..
Flamme divine, ô très douce Fournaise !
En ton foyer je fixe mon séjour
C’est en tes feux que je chante à mon aise :
« Je vis d’Amour !… »
Vivre d’Amour, c’est garder en soi-même
Un grand trésor en un vase mortel
Mon Bien-Aimé, ma faiblesse est extrême
Ah je suis loin d’être un ange du ciel !…
Mais si je tombe à chaque heure qui passe
Me relevant tu viens à mon secours,
A chaque instant tu me donnes ta grâce
Je vis d’Amour.
Vivre d’Amour, c’est naviguer sans cesse
Semant la paix, la joie dans tous les cœurs
Pilote Aimé, la Charité me presse
Car je te vois dans les âmes mes soeurs
La Charité voilà ma seule étoile
A sa clarté je vogue sans détour
J’ai ma devise écrite sur ma voile :
« Vivre d’Amour. »
Vivre d’Amour, lorsque Jésus sommeille
C’est le repos sur les flots orageux
Oh ! ne crains pas, Seigneur, que je t’éveille
J’attends en paix le rivage des cieux…
La Foi bientôt déchirera son voile
Mon Espérance est de te voir un jour
La Charité enfle et pousse ma voile
Je vis d’Amour !…
Vivre d’Amour, c’est, ô mon Divin Maître
Te supplier de répandre tes Feux
En l’âme sainte et sacrée de ton Prêtre
Qu’il soit plus pur qu’un séraphin des cieux !…
Ah ! glorifie ton Eglise Immortelle
A mes soupirs, Jésus ne sois pas sourd
Moi son enfant, je m’immole pour elle
Je vis d’Amour.
Vivre d’Amour, c’est essuyer ta Face
C’est obtenir des pécheurs le pardon
O Dieu d’Amour ! qu’ils rentrent dans ta grâce
Et qu’à jamais ils bénissent ton Nom….
Jusqu’à mon cœur retentit le blasphème
Pour l’effacer, je veux chanter toujours :
"Ton Nom Sacré, je l’adore et je l’Aime
Je vis d’Amour !…"
Vivre d’Amour, c’est imiter Marie,
Baignant de pleurs, de parfums précieux,
Tes pieds divins, qu’elle baise ravie
Les essuyant avec ses longs cheveux…
Puis se levant, elle brise le vase
Ton Doux Visage elle embaume à son tour.
Moi, le parfum dont j’embaume ta Face
C’est mon Amour !…
« Vivre d’Amour, quelle étrange folie ! »
Me dit le monde, " Ah ! cessez de chanter,
Ne perdez pas vos parfums, votre vie,
Utilement sachez les employer !…"
T’aimer, Jésus, quelle perte féconde !…
Tous mes parfums sont à toi sans retour,
Je veux chanter en sortant de ce monde :
« Je meurs d’Amour ! »
Mourir d’Amour, c’est un bien doux martyre
Et c’est celui que je voudrais souffrir.
O Chérubins ! accordez votre lyre,
Car je le sens, mon exil va finir !…
Flamme d’Amour, consume-moi sans trêve
Vie d’un instant, ton fardeau m’est bien lourd !
Divin Jésus, réalise mon rêve :
Mourir d’Amour !…
Mourir d’Amour, voilà mon espérance
Quand je verrai se briser mes liens
Mon Dieu sera ma Grande Récompense
Je ne veux point posséder d’autres biens.
De son Amour je veux être embrasée
Je veux Le voir, m’unir à Lui toujours
Voilà mon Ciel… voilà ma destinée :
Vivre d’Amour !!!…
The eve His life of love drew near its end,
Thus Jesus spoke: "Whoever loveth Me,
And keeps My word as Mine own faithful friend,
My Father, then and I his guests will be;
Within his heart will make Our dwelling above.
Our palace home, true type of heaven above.
There, filled with peace, We will that he shall rest,
With us, in love.
Incarnate Word! Thou Word of God alone!
To live of love, 'tis to abide with Thee.
Thou knowest I love Thee, Jesus Christ, my Own!
Thy Spirit's fire of love enkindleth me.
By loving Thee, I draw the Father here
Down to my heart, to stay with me always.
Blest Trinity! Thou art my prisoner dear,
Of love, to-day.
To live of love, 'tis by Thy life to live,
O glorious King, my chosen, sole Delight!
Hid in the Host, how often Thou dost give
Thyself to those who seek Thy radiant light.
Then hid shall be my life, unmarked, unknown,
That I may have Thee heart to heart with me;
For loving souls desire to be alone,
With love, and Thee!
To live of love, 'tis not to fix one's tent
On Tabor's height and there with Thee remain.
'Tis to climb Calvary with strength nigh spent,
And count Thy heavy cross our truest gain.
In heaven, my life a life of joy shall be,
The heavy cross shall then be gone for aye.
Here upon earth, in suffering with Thee,
Love! let me stay.
To live of love, 'tis without stint to give,
An never count the cost, nor ask reward;
So, counting not the cost, I long to live
And show my dauntless love for Thee, dear Lord!
O Heart Divine, o'erflowing with tenderness,
How swift I run, who all to Thee has given!
Naught but Thy love I need, my life to bless.
That love is heaven!
To live of love, it is to know no fear;
No memory of past faults can I recall;
No imprint of my sins remaineth here;
The fire of Love divine effaces all.
O sacred flames! O furnace of delight!
I sing my safe sweet happiness to prove.
In these mild fires I dwell by day, by night.
I live of love!
To live of love, 'tis in my heart to guard
A mighty treasure in a fragile vase.
Weak, weak, am I, O well beloved Lord!
Nor have I yet an angel's perfect grace.
But, if I fall each hour that hurries by,
Thou com'st to me from Thy bright home above,
And, raising me, dost give me strength to cry:
I live of love!
To live of love it is to sail afar
And bring both peace and joy where'er I be.
0 Pilot blest! love is my guiding star;
In every soul I meet, Thyself I see.
Safe sail I on, through wind or rain or ice;
Love urges me, love conquers every gale.
High on my mast behold is my device:
"By love I sail!"
To live of love, it is when Jesus sleeps
To sleep near Him, though stormy waves beat nigh.
Deem not I shall awake Him! On these deeps
Peace reigns, like that the Blessed know on high.
To Hope, the voyage seems one little day;
Faith's hand shall soon the veil between remove;
'Tis Charity that swells my sail always.
I live of love!
To live of love, 0 Master dearest, best!
It is to beg Thee light Thy holiest fires
Within the soul of each anointed priest,
Till he shall feel the Seraphim's desires;
It is to beg Thee guard Thy Church, 0 Christ!
For this I plead with Thee by night, by day;
And give myself, in sacrifice unpriced,
With love always!
To live of love, it is to dry Thy tears,
To seek for pardon for each sinful soul,
To strive to save all men from doubts and fears,
And bring them home to Thy benign control.
Comes to my ear sin's wild and blasphemous roar;
So, to efface each day, that burning shame,
I cry: " 0 Jesus Christ! I Thee adore.
I love Thy Name!"
To live of love, 'tis Mary's part to share,
To bathe with tears and odorous perfume
Thy holy feet, to wipe them with my hair,
To kiss them; then still loftier lot assume,
To rise, and by Thy side to take my place,
And pour my ointments on Thy holy head.
But with no balsams I embalm Thy Face!
'Tis love, instead!
"To live of love, what foolishness she sings!"
So cries the world. "Renounce such idle joy!
Waste not thy perfumes on such trivial things.
In useful arts thy talents now employ!"
To love Thee, Jesus! Ah, this loss is gain;
For all my perfumes no reward seek I.
Quitting the world, I sing in death's sweet pain:
Of love I die!
To die of love, O martyrdom most blest!
For this I long, this is my heart's desire;
My exile ends; I soon will be at rest.
Ye Cherubim, lend, lend to me your lyre!
O dart of Seraphim, O flame of love,
Consume me wholly; hear my ardent cry!
Jesu, make real my dream! Come Holy Dove!
Of love I die!
To die of love, behold my life's long hope!
God is my one exceeding great reward.
He of my wishes forms the end and scope;
Him only do I seek; my dearest Lord.
With passionate love for Him my heart is riven.
O may He quickly come! He draweth nigh!
Behold my destiny, behold my heaven,