第一バチカン公会議は、その憲章『パストル・エテルヌス Pastor Aeternus』で、教皇の不可謬性を宣言しました。
公会議の公式スポークスマン(代弁者・報告長官)の任務についていたヴィンチェンツ・ガッサー司教(Bishop Vinzenz Gasser, 1809 - 1879)は、第一バチカン公会議の間、有名な四時間にわたる話しをしました。
このラテン語の講話の内容は、英語に訳されて出版されています。The Gift of Infallibility: The Official Relatio on Infallibility of Bishop Vincent Ferrer Gasser at Vatican Council I – July 1, 2008 by James T. O'Connor
あるいは、別の場所でもインターネット上でも読むことが出来ます。Official Relatio of Bishop Vincent Ferrer Gasser delivered at the First Vatican Council
040. (…)Now before I end this general relatio, I should respond to the most grave objection which has been made from this podium, viz. that we wish to make the extreme opinion of a certain school of theology a dogma of Catholic faith. Indeed this is a very grave objection, and, when I heard it from the mouth of an outstanding and most esteemed speaker, I hung my head sadly and pondered well before speaking. Good God, have you so confused our minds and our tongues that we are misrepresented as promoting the elevation of the extreme opinion of a certain school to the dignity of dogma, and is Bellarmine brought forth as the author of the fourth proposition of the Declaration of the French Clergy? (…)
As far as the doctrine set forth in the Draft goes, the Deputation is unjustly accused of wanting to raise an extreme opinion, viz., that of Albert Pighius, to the dignity of a dogma. For the opinion of Albert Pighius, which Bellarmine indeed calls pious and probable, was that the Pope, as an individual person or a private teacher, was able to err from a type of ignorance but was never able to fall into heresy or teach heresy.
To say nothing of the other points, let me say that this is clear from the very words of Bellarmine, both in the citation made by the reverend speaker and also from Bellarmine himself who, in book 4, chapter VI, pronounces on the opinion of Pighius in the following words: "It can be believed probably and piously that the supreme Pontiff is not only not able to err as Pontiff but that even as a particular person he is not able to be heretical, by pertinaciously believing something contrary to the faith."
From this, it appears that the doctrine in the proposed chapter is not that of Albert Pighius or the extreme opinion of any school, but rather that it is one and the same which Bellarmine teaches in the place cited by the reverend speaker and which Bellarmine adduces in the fourth place and calls most certain and assured, or rather, correcting himself, the most common and certain opinion.
カミロ・マゼッラ枢機卿(Cardinal Camilo Mazzella, 1833-1900)も、次のように言います。
“(…) it is one thing that the Roman Pontiff cannot teach a heresy when speaking ex cathedra (what the council of the Vatican defined); and it is another thing that he cannot fall into heresy, that is become a heretic as a private person. On this last question the Council said nothing, and the theologians and canonists are not in agreement among themselves in regard to this.”
"Notari secundo esset, aliud Romani Pontificem ex cathedra loquentem non posse haeresin docere (quod Vat. Con. definivit) ; aliud eum non posse in hearesim incidere seu uti privatam personam haereticum fieri. De hac quaestione nihil dixit Concilium. Theologi autem et Canonistae non conveniunt inter se."
[Card. C. Mazzella, De religione et Ecclesia, Sixth Edition, (Prati: Giachetti, filii et soc., p. 817, n. 1045]
第一バチカン公会議は、その憲章『パストル・エテルヌス Pastor Aeternus』で、教皇の不可謬性を宣言しました。
公会議の公式スポークスマン(代弁者・報告長官)の任務についていたヴィンチェンツ・ガッサー司教(Bishop Vinzenz Gasser, 1809 - 1879)は、第一バチカン公会議の間、有名な四時間にわたる話しをしました。
このラテン語の講話の内容は、英語に訳されて出版されています。The Gift of Infallibility: The Official Relatio on Infallibility of Bishop Vincent Ferrer Gasser at Vatican Council I – July 1, 2008 by James T. O'Connor
あるいは、別の場所でもインターネット上でも読むことが出来ます。Official Relatio of Bishop Vincent Ferrer Gasser delivered at the First Vatican Council
040. (…)Now before I end this general relatio, I should respond to the most grave objection which has been made from this podium, viz. that we wish to make the extreme opinion of a certain school of theology a dogma of Catholic faith. Indeed this is a very grave objection, and, when I heard it from the mouth of an outstanding and most esteemed speaker, I hung my head sadly and pondered well before speaking. Good God, have you so confused our minds and our tongues that we are misrepresented as promoting the elevation of the extreme opinion of a certain school to the dignity of dogma, and is Bellarmine brought forth as the author of the fourth proposition of the Declaration of the French Clergy? (…)
As far as the doctrine set forth in the Draft goes, the Deputation is unjustly accused of wanting to raise an extreme opinion, viz., that of Albert Pighius, to the dignity of a dogma. For the opinion of Albert Pighius, which Bellarmine indeed calls pious and probable, was that the Pope, as an individual person or a private teacher, was able to err from a type of ignorance but was never able to fall into heresy or teach heresy.
To say nothing of the other points, let me say that this is clear from the very words of Bellarmine, both in the citation made by the reverend speaker and also from Bellarmine himself who, in book 4, chapter VI, pronounces on the opinion of Pighius in the following words: "It can be believed probably and piously that the supreme Pontiff is not only not able to err as Pontiff but that even as a particular person he is not able to be heretical, by pertinaciously believing something contrary to the faith."
From this, it appears that the doctrine in the proposed chapter is not that of Albert Pighius or the extreme opinion of any school, but rather that it is one and the same which Bellarmine teaches in the place cited by the reverend speaker and which Bellarmine adduces in the fourth place and calls most certain and assured, or rather, correcting himself, the most common and certain opinion.
カミロ・マゼッラ枢機卿(Cardinal Camilo Mazzella, 1833-1900)も、次のように言います。
“(…) it is one thing that the Roman Pontiff cannot teach a heresy when speaking ex cathedra (what the council of the Vatican defined); and it is another thing that he cannot fall into heresy, that is become a heretic as a private person. On this last question the Council said nothing, and the theologians and canonists are not in agreement among themselves in regard to this.”
"Notari secundo esset, aliud Romani Pontificem ex cathedra loquentem non posse haeresin docere (quod Vat. Con. definivit) ; aliud eum non posse in hearesim incidere seu uti privatam personam haereticum fieri. De hac quaestione nihil dixit Concilium. Theologi autem et Canonistae non conveniunt inter se."
[Card. C. Mazzella, De religione et Ecclesia, Sixth Edition, (Prati: Giachetti, filii et soc., p. 817, n. 1045]