私の英会話教室の先生、Paul Maoteさんについて書きます。

I am studying English conversation.
My teacher is a New Zealander, Maori person, and an international schoolteacher.
彼の名前はPaul Maoateと言います。
His name is Paul Maoate.
He participated in the charity event of the refugee aid in November, this year.
They help a very worthy Japanese charity as all money raised from the raffle,
live and silent auctions from the night will go to Refugees International Japan.
そのイベントは、EXECUTIVE Fight Nightと言い、六本木のHyattホテルで行われました。
The event is 'EXECUTIVE Fight Night', and was performed in Grand Hyatt hotel in Roppongi.
They have not done boxing, were received training for three months, and fought.
The match is 1round=2minutes, three rounds.
It is said that the prizes are only one bottle of champagne and a medal.
ポールの試合 You can see his match, when you click the left.
もう一つの映像 You can see his another image,when you click the left.
彼のプロフィールは、ここです。 You can see his profile, when you click the left.
彼のホームページはここです。 You can see his homepage, when you click the left.
また、彼は四つの風("Nga Hau E Wha - Japan")というMaori Culture Groupの会員です。
And, he is a member of Maori Culture Group, called 'four wind'='Nga Hau E Wha-Japan'.
Nga Hau E Wha - Japanのホームページはここです。 You can see their homepage, when you click the left.
They are introducing Maori's culture and music, dance, etc. in Asia and Japan.
The dance is called Haca.
The Haka of All Blacks(the representative of New Zealand of Rugby) is famous.
オールブラックスのハカ You can see All Blacks's Haka, when you click the left.
彼らは、昨年行われたEXECUTIVE Fight Nightで、ハカを演じました。
They performed Haka in the EXECUTIVE Fight Night,last year.

They performed Haka in Shichigahama international village where they visited for support of the Tohoku earthquake.

私の英会話教室の先生、Paul Maoteさんについて書きます。

I am studying English conversation.
My teacher is a New Zealander, Maori person, and an international schoolteacher.
彼の名前はPaul Maoateと言います。
His name is Paul Maoate.
He participated in the charity event of the refugee aid in November, this year.
They help a very worthy Japanese charity as all money raised from the raffle,
live and silent auctions from the night will go to Refugees International Japan.
そのイベントは、EXECUTIVE Fight Nightと言い、六本木のHyattホテルで行われました。
The event is 'EXECUTIVE Fight Night', and was performed in Grand Hyatt hotel in Roppongi.
They have not done boxing, were received training for three months, and fought.
The match is 1round=2minutes, three rounds.
It is said that the prizes are only one bottle of champagne and a medal.

ポールの試合 You can see his match, when you click the left.
もう一つの映像 You can see his another image,when you click the left.
彼のプロフィールは、ここです。 You can see his profile, when you click the left.
彼のホームページはここです。 You can see his homepage, when you click the left.

また、彼は四つの風("Nga Hau E Wha - Japan")というMaori Culture Groupの会員です。
And, he is a member of Maori Culture Group, called 'four wind'='Nga Hau E Wha-Japan'.
Nga Hau E Wha - Japanのホームページはここです。 You can see their homepage, when you click the left.

They are introducing Maori's culture and music, dance, etc. in Asia and Japan.
The dance is called Haca.
The Haka of All Blacks(the representative of New Zealand of Rugby) is famous.
オールブラックスのハカ You can see All Blacks's Haka, when you click the left.
彼らは、昨年行われたEXECUTIVE Fight Nightで、ハカを演じました。
They performed Haka in the EXECUTIVE Fight Night,last year.

They performed Haka in Shichigahama international village where they visited for support of the Tohoku earthquake.
