

【論】Stephanopoulos,2002,Mapping physiological sta~

2006年12月16日 21時46分07秒 | 論文記録
Gregory Stephanopoulos, Daehee Hwang, William A. Schmitt, Jatin Misra and George Stephanopoulos
Mapping physiological states from microarray expression measurements
Bioinformatics Vol.18 no.8 2002 Pages 1054-1063
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・マイクロアレイデータから、Fisher discriminant analysisに基いて各サンプルのphysiological statesを判定し、図示化する方法を提案する。
1. normal/malignant oral epithelium [Alevizos,2001]
2. ALL/AML [Golub,1999]
3. cultures of the photosynthetic bacterium Synechocysis sp.PCC 6803 [Gill,2002]
4, single gene deletion mutants of yeast [Hughes,2000]

・方法「The method uses Fisher discriminant analysis to create a linear projection of gene expression measurements that maximizes the separation of different sample classes.
・FDAとは「FDA is a classification method that operates by determining a set of orthonormal dimensions where the separation between the given classes is maximized.
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