Thomas J.Giordano, Kerby A.Shedden, Donald R.Schwartz, Rork Kuick, Jeremy M.G.Taylor, Nana Lee, David E.Misek, Joel K.Greenson, Sharon L.R.Kardia||, David G.Beer, Gad Rennert, Kathleen R.Cho, Stephen B.Gruber, Eric R.Fearon and Samir Hanash
Organ-Specific Molecular Classification of Primary Lung, Colon, and Ovarian Adenocarcinomas Using Gene Expression Profiles
American Journal of Pathology. 2001;159:1231-1238.
・データ:57 lung, 51 colon and 46 ovary adenocarcinomas, 7129 genes
・解析法:PCA ("five-nearest neighbors with majority voting") and cross-validated prediction
・意義「The establishment of organ-specific gene expression patterns represents a crucial first step in the clinical application of the molecular approach.」
・概要「In this study, we compared the gene expression profiles of 154 primary adenocarcinomas of lung, colon, and ovary and demonstrated these profiles could discriminate the tumors in an organ-specific manner. In addition, we identified genes that are potentially useful as diagnostic markers for these tumors.」
Organ-Specific Molecular Classification of Primary Lung, Colon, and Ovarian Adenocarcinomas Using Gene Expression Profiles
American Journal of Pathology. 2001;159:1231-1238.
・データ:57 lung, 51 colon and 46 ovary adenocarcinomas, 7129 genes
・解析法:PCA ("five-nearest neighbors with majority voting") and cross-validated prediction
・意義「The establishment of organ-specific gene expression patterns represents a crucial first step in the clinical application of the molecular approach.」
・概要「In this study, we compared the gene expression profiles of 154 primary adenocarcinomas of lung, colon, and ovary and demonstrated these profiles could discriminate the tumors in an organ-specific manner. In addition, we identified genes that are potentially useful as diagnostic markers for these tumors.」