Akira Fushimi, Keinosuke Nagai and Koichi Mizutani
Measurement of violin plate vibration by acoustical holography using boundary element method
Acoustical Science and Technology Vol.23(2002), No.5 pp.258-266
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・コンデンサマイクで測定した音圧(sound pressure, 従来法)とPCHHS(提案法)で測定したparticle velocity[写真]で視覚化した結果を比較する。
・概要「We apply the pressure-based conformal holography with a hologram and a source surface coupling (PCHHS) as BEM-based acoustical holography in order to measure the vibration eigenmodes of the actual arching violin plates. We reconstruct and visualize the distributions of the sound pressure and the particle velocity on the surface of the violin plate from the measured hologram data in the sound field.」
・問題点「the application to the general curved vibrating surface such as a musical instrument is quite difficult.」
[1]C.M.Hutchins,"The acoustics of violin plates," Sci.Am.,245,126-135(1981).
Measurement of violin plate vibration by acoustical holography using boundary element method
Acoustical Science and Technology Vol.23(2002), No.5 pp.258-266
[PDF][Web Site]
・コンデンサマイクで測定した音圧(sound pressure, 従来法)とPCHHS(提案法)で測定したparticle velocity[写真]で視覚化した結果を比較する。
・概要「We apply the pressure-based conformal holography with a hologram and a source surface coupling (PCHHS) as BEM-based acoustical holography in order to measure the vibration eigenmodes of the actual arching violin plates. We reconstruct and visualize the distributions of the sound pressure and the particle velocity on the surface of the violin plate from the measured hologram data in the sound field.」
・問題点「the application to the general curved vibrating surface such as a musical instrument is quite difficult.」
[1]C.M.Hutchins,"The acoustics of violin plates," Sci.Am.,245,126-135(1981).