Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります

Notice for the Ash Wednesday : Mass at 6 PM at our usual Mass Center

2021年02月17日 | 聖ピオ十世会関連のニュースなど
Ave Maria Immaclata!

Dearest Brethren !

1. Fast and abstinence on Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday. As Fr Demornex reminded us last Sunday, all Catholics who are not dispensed (because of age, illness, etc.) have an obligation to follow the rules of fast and abstinence today.

2. Blessing and distribution of ashes

Firstly, the priest will bless the ashes, and then will impose the ash to everyone who wishes to receive it, on the forehead.

Please note that, because ash is not a sacrament (秘蹟), but a sacramental (準秘蹟), anyone who wishes can receive it from the priest. Catholic adults, children, whether or not they have received first communion, and non-Catholics can receive the ash as a sign of penance.

When the imposition begins, please come to the front of the room as you would at the time of the Holy Communion for the faithful. Those of you with hair covering the forehead, please move it sideways to help the priest impose the ashes on your forehead.

3. Genuflection during the Tractus (詠誦)

After the reading of the Epistle (Prophecy) by the priest, the choir will sing two hymns - Graduale (昇階誦) and Tractus (詠誦).

During the second hymn: the Tractus, when the choir starts to sing: "Adjuva nos, Deus salutaris noster." (Help us, O God, our salvation. たすけ給え、天主よ、我等の救いよ。), please kneel with the choir.

4. Prayer over the people (人々のための祈願)

After the Post-communion (聖体拝領後の祈), the priest will say a special prayer for the people, which will begin with: "Oremus. Humiliate capita vestra Deo." (Let us pray. Bow down your heads before God. 祈願 天主の御前にこうべを垂れよ。). When you hear this, please bow down your head with the priest.


