Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります

カトリック聖伝のミサの報告 聖ピオ十世会日本 SSPX JAPAN Traditional Latin Mass

2022年11月06日 | 聖ピオ十世会関連のニュースなど






Dear Fathers:

Shown below are the number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today. The total number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today was 131 including children.

09:00 mass
M: 31 (incl. 5 children)
F: 35 (incl. 8 children)
Total: 66 (incl. 13 children)

11:30 mass
M: 30 (incl. 2 children)
F: 39 (incl. 4 children)
Total: 69 (incl. 6 children)

Total of 2 masses (excl. 4 people who participated in multiple masses)
M: 60 (incl. 7 children)
F: 71 (incl. 12 children)
Total: 131 (incl. 19 children)

Dear Fathers:

Shown below are the number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today. The total number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today was 45 including children.

18:00 mass
M: 13 (incl. 2 children)
F: 9 (incl. 2 children)
Total: 22 (incl. 4 children)

18:45 mass
M: 13 (incl. 0 child)
F: 17 (incl. 1 child)
Total: 30 (incl. 1 child)

Total of 2 masses (excl. 7 people who participated in multiple masses)
M: 22 (incl. 2 children)
F: 23 (incl. 3 children)
Total: 45 (incl. 5 children)


