Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります


2022年02月11日 | カトリック・ニュースなど



Why withstand Pope Francis publicly?
by Father James Mawdsley

昨年7月、自発教令「トラディティオーニス・クストーデス」(Traditiones Custodes)付きの書簡で、教皇フランシスコは、聖伝の典礼を根絶する意向を宣言しました。教皇は、ありえないことに、ノブス・オルド【新しいミサ】がローマ典礼の「祈りの法」(Lex Orandi)の唯一の表現を構成すると主張しました。このことについて、公に教皇に反対することが重要です。



なぜイエズスは、人は公に教会に行かなければならないと言われるのでしょうか。無数のカトリック信者が、この教皇からの殴打によって傷ついています。その殴打によって打ちのめされた司祭や信者がいます。また、位階階級による長きにわたる聖伝への攻撃 --- なぜなら、これはフランシスコに始まったことではないからです --- について、多くのカトリック信者は闇の中に取り残されています。多分、このことから得られる一つの善は、人々が実際に聖伝に目覚めていることでしょう。マテオ18章のこれらの文章の直前に、イエズスは、こう言われました。「私を信じているこれらの小さな者を一人でもつまずかせたら、その人はろばの挽き臼を首にかけて海の深みに沈められる方が良い。この小さな者の一人でさえ、あなどらないように気をつけよ」。一人ではなく、何万人もの人が、のけ者にされているのならば、一体どんな罰が待っているでしょうか。つまずきを起こさないようにとイエズスに警告されました。







公に告発する三つ目の理由、私たちの世代の苦しみよりもさらに重要な理由は、未来のためです。フランシスコに続く別の破壊者を出さないようにするためです。次の教皇はパロリン枢機卿かタグレ枢機卿かもしれませんが、この二人のどちらかで事態は変わってくるのでしょうか? 変わらないでしょう。なぜなら、これは、聖伝に対する攻撃は、フランシスコに始まったことではなく、70年前から続いているからです。そして、この破壊を続ける人々が、バチカン(Curia)の中に、世界中の司教館にたくさんいるからです。もしも聖伝破壊に導く別の適任者を見つけるなら、たとえばスーピッチ枢機卿のような人々ですが、その男は真理を求めません。スーピッチ枢機卿はなんとクリスマスの日に、戦争と虐殺が一年中続くことを望んでいるのです。彼は、クリスマスの日を選んで斧を落としたのです。いったい誰がそんなことをしますか? 病気ではないでしょうか? 

すべてのブログは、この大いなる祝日には自制します。キリストに焦点を当てるか、沈黙を守るのです。でもスーピッチ枢機卿は違います。クリスマスにキリストの平和ではなく虐殺を望むのです。彼はもう一人のヘロデのようなものです。ロッシュ大司教は、世界の司教の大多数は、教皇の言われることを非常に支持していると述べました。世界の大多数の司教の反応からすると、それは信じられないことです。しかし、これはまさにその司教の声なのです。私たちは、真実が何であるかを公に聞く必要があります。そうでなければ、ロシュ大司教のプロパガンダがまかり通ってしまいます。ですから、牧者たちが、司教たちにおいて真理を -- キリストを守り、群れを守り、信者を守り、聖伝を守るために -- 見いだすことができないと思うと、とても憂鬱になるのです。

私たちは、なぜ公に告発するのでしょうか? ルカが書いているように、司祭長、律法学士、長老は、洗者ヨハネについての【ヨハネの権威は天からか人からかという】イエズスの質問に答えるのを恐れていましたが、嘘をつく勇気はありませんでした。彼らはこう言いました。「もし、人からだと言えば、民衆が私たちを石打ちにするだろう。民衆はヨハネが預言者だと信じているから」。民衆は、宗教指導者がこのようなことをする【真理を否定する】のを許しません。私たちもそうすべきではありません。何故なら、そんなことをすればどうなるかを知っていますから。最終的には、民衆は堕落した指導者たちに従うように操られ、キリストの死に至ったのです。キリストは復活されましたが、私たちはもう一度キリストを十字架につけたくはありません。




Why withstand Pope Francis publicly?
by Father James Mawdsley

Last July in its letter accompanying Traditiones Custodes Pope Francis declared his intention to eradicate the Traditional liturgy. He impossibly claimed the Novus Ordo constitutes the unique expression of the Lex Orandi of the Roman Rite. It is important to withstand the Pope on this publicly.

One reason is to save his soul. King Herod was not a Christian when he wanted the infant Jesus put to death. And now shall the Pope put Christ to death. Caiaphas was high priest of the old covenant when he arranged for Jesus's execution. Now shall the Vicar of Christ try to have Christ's memorial destroyed.

The cardinals are officially friends of the Pope. We can hope some of them have demonstrated quietly with him as Jesus instructed. And "if he listens to you you will have regained your brother". But as Francis has not backed away from this sacrilege, the passage continues "if he will not listen to you, invite one or two more. And if he will not listen to them tell the Church".

Why does Jesus say one must go public to the Church ? Countless Catholics are wounded by this beating from the Pope, priests and faithful who are devastated by it. And also those many Catholics who have been kept in the dark about the hierarchy's long attack on Tradition because this didn't begin with Francis. Maybe one good, that can come from this, is people as they are in fact waking up to Tradition. Just before those verses from Matthew 18 Jesus said whoever will have led astray one of these little ones who trusts in me it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be submerged in the depths of the sea. Do not despise even one of these little ones. What is it then not just one but when tens of thousands are being pushed out by the shepherds. Jesus warned against causing scandal.

So another reason to go public is for all those who know about this attack on Tradition and who care about it. Don't think that you are crazy. Don't be gaslighted. What is happening is evil beyond description. Sit back and consider it. The highest power on earth is attacking the greatest good on earth, precisely when it's his job to defend and preserve Tradition and to pass it on to the next generation. Archbishop Roche in his interview, where almost every sentence he spoke was untrue or misleading, says "the negative reaction to Traditionis Custodes has been very little."

Well Archbishop what to expect when a reign of terror is unleashed. Of course people are keeping their heads down. Many clerics do not say openly what they think because they're afraid of vicious reprisals. They're afraid of confirmations being banned or baptisms being banned in the old rightrite. We're told they can no longer celebrate the old Mass as it's happening the carnage has begun. Truth is needed for spiritual health. Without truth we starve. It's not enough to know it in our hearts. We need to hear it said by men in authority from bishops and cardinals that nobody has the right to attack Tradition, but also for those Catholics who don't know what's happening here, because they don't care, because they don't come to Mass anymore.

Anyway, for 70 years they've been robbed. We might not understand if we simply think the Pope is attacking the old Mass. The fact is the Pope is attacking God's revelation that should matter to everybody. To reject Tradition is to reject Christ. We know that it would be evil to change the Scriptures Saint John warns if any man shall take away from the words of the book God shall take away his part out of the book of life and Saint Paul warns against that we are an angel from heaven preach a gospel to you beside that which we have preached to you let him be anathema. The truth of Christ comes through both Scripture and Tradition. and just as it's evil to detour or corrupt the Scriptures so it is to obstruct Tradition. The received rites may not be condemned. They are received in order to be guarded, defended, celebrated and passed on to the next generation all through to the end of time.

The prophet Isaiah spoke to us. "All my people, your leaders mislead you. The Lord enters into judgment with the elders and princes of his people what you mean by crushing my people by grinding the face of the poor, says the lord God of hosts."

The prophet is confronting the leaders and princes who have devoured the vineyard who are crushing God's people. He's speaking to the hierarchy of today. And Jesus as well with such clarity. "Woe to you scribes and pharisees you hypocrites for you close the kingdom of heaven before men for you yourselves do not enter and those who are entering you would not permit to enter."

You may personally hate the old Mass but you can see that Christians love it. They love to encounter Christ there. They pray there more deeply than anywhere. Why would you take this away? Saint Paul says about the various gifts. He who governs in solicitude that means he who rules in carefulness for those under him. And yet we see this abuse of a spiritual father trying to devastate those who hold on to Tradition.

And the third reason for going public more important than for the suffering of our own generation is for the future so that we do not have another destroyer following Francis in recent years it's been suggested however unrealistic it seems now that the next Pope might be Cardinal Parolin or Tagle would things be different under any of them because this didn't begin with Francis it's been going on for 70 years this attack on Tradition. And there are plenty in the Curia, in the chancelleries of the world, who will keep this destruction going. If they find another to lead them there, men like Cardinal Cupich, he wants no truths. On Christmas day he is willing for the war and the slaughter to continue on all the days of the year. He chose Christmas day to drop the axe. Who does that? Is that not sick?

All the blogs restrain themselves on the great feasts. They put the focus wholly on Christ or they go silent. But not Cardinal Cupich who wants no peace of Christ at Christmas but slaughter. He is like another Herod. Archbishop Roche said the vast majority of bishops of the world are very much behind what the Holy Father is saying. That's unbelievable from the reactions of the vast majority of bishops in the world. But this is precisely the bishop's voice. We need to hear in public what the truth is. Otherwise the propaganda from Archbishop Roche will stand. And it's so depressing to think that the shepherds can't find it in them to defend Christ and to defend the flock and defend the faithful and to defend Tradition.

Why do we go public? Luke described how the chief priests and the scribes and the ancients were afraid to answer Jesus' question about Saint John the Baptist but they didn't dare to tell the lie they said if we say of men the whole people will stone us for they are persuaded that John was a prophet. The people then would not tolerate this from their religious leaders. Neither should we because we know where it leads. When eventually they were manipulated into following their corrupt leaders to the death of Christ. Christ rises but we don't want to crucify him again.

The Church must be herself, needs to return to Tradition. Restore to thyself oh Lord that we may be restored. Renew our days as of old. One good thing that might come from all this is that, all of us learn that there is nobody on earth no prime minister no president no bishop no cardinal no Pope no one has the authority to close all the Churches or to try to ban the Traditional Mass because the anti-Christ will want to do that. And what's going to happen if we're so stupid that we say oh well this leader has said it, so we have to do it. No, we need to be immunized now against this folly. We have the sources of our faith, Scripture and Tradition. The Pope's job is to preserve that, not to be a source of revelation himself, not to set a new direction for the Church. The direction for the Church has been given by Jesus Christ and since Peter and Paul and the apostles took it in that direction and so for nearly 2 000 years it's been held. This is no time for anybody to try to set a new direction for the Church. The anti-Christ will try that in his time but we need to learn now that it's impossible so those who wish to be faithful who wish to cleave to Christ may do so. God bless you all.


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次の教皇候補のタグレ枢機卿様 (ヨハネ)
2022-02-11 23:17:32


