第十七回「聖ピオ十世会日本公式秋田巡礼」 2023年5月2日(火)~5月6日(土) に愛する兄弟姉妹の皆様をお招きいたします。
Dear Fathers:
Shown below are the number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today. The total number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today was 116 including children.
09:00 mass
M: 31 (incl. 5 children)
F: 28 (incl. 7 children)
Total: 59 (incl. 12 children)
11:30 mass
M: 25 (incl. 2 children)
F: 34 (incl. 4 children)
Total: 59 (incl. 6 children)
Total of 2 masses (excl. 2 people who participated in multiple masses)
M: 55 (incl. 7 children)
F: 61 (incl. 11 children)
Total: 116 (incl. 18 children)
Dear Fathers:
Shown below are the number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today. The total number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today was 116 including children.
09:00 mass
M: 31 (incl. 5 children)
F: 28 (incl. 7 children)
Total: 59 (incl. 12 children)
11:30 mass
M: 25 (incl. 2 children)
F: 34 (incl. 4 children)
Total: 59 (incl. 6 children)
Total of 2 masses (excl. 2 people who participated in multiple masses)
M: 55 (incl. 7 children)
F: 61 (incl. 11 children)
Total: 116 (incl. 18 children)