Dear Brethren, the Traditional Latin Mass time at the SSPX Chapel in Omiya. English after Japanese
日付 曜日 ミサの時間
2024/06/02 | 日 | 聖霊降臨後第2主日(2級)緑 | Second Sunday after Pentecost (II class) Green | 8:30, 10:30 |
2024/06/03 | 月 | 聖霊降臨後の平日(4級)緑 | Feria in time after Pentecost (IV class) Green | 7:00 |
2024/06/04 | 火 | 証聖者聖フランシスコ・カラッチョロ(3級祝日)白 | St. Francis Caraciollo, Confessor (III class) White | 7:00 |
2024/06/05 | 水 | 殉教者司教聖ボニファチオ(3級祝日)赤 | St. Boniface , Bishop, Martyr (III class) Red | 7:00 |
2024/06/06 | 木 | 証聖者司教聖ノルベルト(3級祝日)白 | St. Norbert, Bishop, Confessor (III class) White | 7:00 |
2024/06/07 | 金 | イエズス・キリストの至聖なる聖心(1級祝日)白 | The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (I class) White | 18:00 |
2024/06/08 | 土 | 聖母の土曜日(4級)白 | Saturday of the Blessed Virgin Mary (IV class) White | 11:00 |
2024/06/09 | 日 | 聖霊降臨後第3主日(2級)緑 | Third Sunday after Pentecost (II class) Green | 8:30, 10:30 |
2024/06/10 | 月 | 寡婦聖マルガリタ女王(3級祝日)白 | St. Margaret Queen of Scots, Widow (III class) White | No Mass |
2024/06/11 | 火 | 使徒聖バルナバ(3級祝日)赤 | St. Barnabas, Apostle (III class) Red | No Mass |
2024/06/12 | 水 | 証聖者聖ファクンドの聖ヨハネ(3級祝日)白 | St. John of San Facundo, Confessor (III class) White | No Mass |
2024/06/13 | 木 | 教会博士証聖者パドゥアの聖アントニオ(3級祝日)白 | St. Anthony of Padua, Confessor, Doctor (III class) White | 7:00 |
2024/06/14 | 金 | 教会博士証聖者司教大聖バジリオ(3級祝日)白 | St. Basil the Great, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor (III class) White | 18:00 |
2024/06/15 | 土 | 聖母の土曜日(4級)白 | Saturday of the Blessed Virgin Mary (IV class) White | 11:00 |
2024/06/16 | 日 | 聖霊降臨後第4主日(2級)緑 | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (II class) Green | 8:30, 10:30 |
2024/06/17 | 月 | 証聖者司教聖グレゴリオ・バルバディコ(3級祝日)白 | St. Gregory Barbarigo, Bishop, Confessor (III class) White | No Mass |
2024/06/18 | 火 | 教会博士証聖者助祭シリアの聖エフレム(3級祝日)白 | St. Ephrem, Deacon, Confessor, Doctor (III class) White | 7:00 |
2024/06/19 | 水 | 童貞ファルコネリの聖ユリアナ(3級祝日)白 | St. Juliana Falconeri, Virgin (III class) White | 7:00 |
2024/06/20 | 木 | 聖霊降臨後の平日(4級)緑 | Feria in time after Pentecost (IV class) Green | 7:00 |
2024/06/21 | 金 | 証聖者ゴンザガの聖アロイジオ(3級祝日)白 | St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Confessor (III class) White | 18:00 |
2024/06/22 | 土 | 証聖者司教聖パウリノ(3級祝日)白 | St. Paulinus, Bishop, Confessor (III class) White | 11:00 |
2024/06/23 | 日 | 聖霊降臨後第5主日(2級)緑 | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (II class) Green | 8:30, 10:30 |
2024/06/24 | 月 | 洗者聖ヨハネの誕生(1級祝日)白 | Nativity of St. John the Baptist (I class) White | No Mass |
2024/06/25 | 火 | 大修院長聖グリエルモ(3級祝日)白 | St. William, Abbot (III class) White | 7:00 |
2024/06/26 | 水 | 殉教者聖ヨハネとパウロ(3級祝日)赤 | Sts. John & Paul, Martyrs (III class) Red | 7:00 |
2024/06/27 | 木 | 聖霊降臨後の平日(4級)緑 | Feria in time after Pentecost (IV class) Green | 7:00 |
2024/06/28 | 金 | 使徒聖ペトロとパウロの前日(2級)紫 | Vigil of Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles (II class) Violet | 18:00 |
2024/06/29 | 土 | 使徒聖ペトロとパウロ(1級祝日)赤 | The Holy Apostles Peter & Paul (I class) Red | 11:00 |
2024/06/30 | 日 | 聖霊降臨後第6主日(2級)緑 | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (II class) Green | 8:30, 10:30 |
2024/07/01 | 月 | イエズス・キリストのいと尊き御血(1級祝日)赤 | Feast of the Precious Blood of Jesus (I class) Red | 7:00 |
2024/07/02 | 火 | 童貞聖マリアのご訪問(2級祝日)白 | Visitation of the Blessed Virgin (II class) White | 7:00 |
2024/07/03 | 水 | 殉教者司教聖イレネオ(3級祝日)赤 | St. Irenaeus, Bishop, Martyr (III class) Red | 7:00 |
2024/07/04 | 木 | 聖霊降臨後の平日(4級)緑 | Feria in time after Pentecost (IV class) Green | 7:00 |
2024/07/05 | 金 | 証聖者聖アントニオ・マリア・ザカリア(3級祝日)白 | St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, Confessor (III class) White | 18:00 |
2024/07/06 | 土 | 聖母の土曜日(4級)白 | Saturday of the Blessed Virgin Mary (IV class) White | 11:00 |
2024/07/07 | 日 | 聖霊降臨後第7主日(2級)緑 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (II class) Green |
8:30, 10:30