Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります


2021年08月05日 | プロライフ

































Conference before the March for Life 2021 Tokyo


Since today we are going to participate to the March for Life in Tokyo, I will talk on the issue of abortion. I am not a doctor, so I will not speak about it on the medical point of view. All of you here present are already fully convinced of the evil of abortion, so I will not try to prove to you that abortion is bad. As a priest, I will speak about abortion as a sin and about the spiritual consequences of abortion.

1. Abortion is a sin

Abortion is the destruction of a human foetus in the womb of his mother. Abortion is a sin. Why? We call it a “sin” to break voluntarily and knowingly the law of God.
When we say the law of God, it does not only mean the 10 Commandments. It also includes the natural order which God has set up in the world. It is the natural order set up by God that the conjugal union of a man and a woman lead to the procreation of a human embryo. Then it is the natural order that this human embryo grow during about 9 months in the womb of his mother and be born. It is the natural order that the newly born baby be nurtured, protected and educated by his parents.
If we consider that the embryo or foetus is already a human being, then abortion breaks the 5th Commandment of God: Thou shalt not kill. An embryo or foetus is obviously an innocent person; to kill him is therefore to kill an innocent; so abortion is obviously an unjust murder.
But even if we don’t consider the embryo or foetus as a human being yet, abortion is the voluntary interruption of the natural order set up by God for the propagation of mankind. Therefore, abortion is a sinful disorder. Same for contraception which contradicts the natural order of procreation; and the abandonment of one’s baby which contradicts the natural order of education.

2. Immediate spiritual effects of abortion

Committing an abortion has dramatic psychological effects on the mother who aborts. Such action is so contrary to woman’s nature that the women who abort get seriously affected for the remaining of their lives. Even after many years, often these poor mothers still feel acutely the remorse of killing their own babies. It would be interesting to develop this aspect of abortion, but I will not do it today.
Committing an abortion has also dramatic social effects. It is equivalent to a slow suicide of a nation. Abortion brings along in the society a death culture leading to the nation to its auto-destruction. It is another interesting aspect of abortion, but today I will not speak about it.
Committing an abortion has also dramatic spiritual effects. I will speak about them.
Committing an abortion is a serious sin. Why? Because the object of such action is serious: it is about human life, the physical and the eternal human life. The poor child who is aborted is deprived unfairly of his physical life because he is killed. And he is unfairly deprived of his eternal life because he is given no chance to know God, to love and serve Him and to share His eternal life. Abortion is a mortal sin. The person guilty of an abortion becomes guilty of a serious crime before God and will be punished forever in hell after death, unless he repents sincerely before death.
The Catholic Church considers this sin of abortion to be so serious and so heinous, that She strikes by an automatic excommunication all the people who participate actively in an abortion. An automatic excommunication means to be expelled from the Church and from the participation in all her spiritual goods, immediately, as soon as the abortion is done. All the people who participate actively in an abortion mean: the mother of the baby, the doctor doing the abortion, the nurses assisting him, all the people who advice, help, pressure in any manner for the abortion to be done: for example the parents, the husband, the boyfriend, the employer…

3. Remote spiritual effects of abortion

Abortion is not only a mortal sin. It is also one of the sins which cry to God for vengeance. What does it mean? We call “sins which cry to God for vengeance” some sins of which iniquity is so great and so manifest that they provoke God to punish them with the most severe chastisements (Catechism of St Pius X).
These sins are 4, according to what Holy Ghost has indicated in the Bible.

a) The first one is wilful murder. In the book of Genesis, after Cain had killed his brother Abel, God told Cain: “What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth to me from the earth” (Gen 4;10). And Cain was cursed by God in such a way he became a fugitive upon the earth for the remainder of his life.

b) The second one is sodomy. In the Book of Genesis, God told Abraham: “The cry of Sodom and Gomorrha is multiplied, and their sin is become exceedingly grievous” (Gen 18;20). And the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha were burnt down with all their inhabitants by a heavenly fire.

c) The third one is the oppression of the poor. The Hebrews were enslaved and mistreated in Egypt by Pharaoh. God told Moses: “The children of Israel groaning, cried out because of the works, and their cry went up unto God from the works” (Ex 2; 23). And God struck Egypt with the 10 plagues.

d) The fourth one is defrauding workers of their just wages. St James said in his epistle: “Behold the hire of the labourers, who have reaped down your fields, which by fraud has been kept back by you, crieth: and the cry of them hath entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth” (Jac 5;4). In the Bible, we read the story of Nabal, the husband of Abigail, who denied to David and his men their just wages. He was struck by a heart attack (1 Sam 25).
Abortion is a wilful murder. It is a sin which cries to God for vengeance. It is a sin which attracts the most severe chastisement of God upon the people and the societies who commit it. The chastisement is upon the people who participate in the abortion. But when a country legalizes abortion, then God’s chastisement is upon the whole country and its inhabitants. In the Bible, God commanded to the Hebrews to kill all the Canaanites: men, women, children, and to occupy their land. Why such terrible punishment upon the Canaanites? God condemned explicitly their cult to the idol Moloch. This cult consisted in offering and burning babies and children alive. Heinous crimes for which God condemned the Canaanites to a total destruction.
The nations which legalize abortion attract upon themselves the worst chastisements of God.

4. Strategy of the devil in developing abortion and homosexuality

Now, I would like to attract your attention on a particular point. We said that the sins which cry to God for vengeance attract the most severe chastisement of God upon people. It is therefore highly profitable for Lucifer to do whatever he can to increase such sins. The history of mankind is dominated by the fight between Christ and Lucifer. Mankind is the battlefield. Out of hatred for God, Lucifer wants the destruction of humans because they bear the image of God. Out of hatred for Christ, Lucifer wants the destruction and the eternal damnation of humans because Christ died on the Cross for their salvation.

Remember the story of Balaam in the Bible. The Hebrews were about to conquer the promised land. The pagan king Balac was looking for a means to destroy them. He called the wizard Balaam to curse the Hebrews. Balaam could not do it because God did not allow him to do so. However, Balaam gave to king Balac a most pernicious advice leading to the destruction of the Hebrews. Balaam told the king to send the most beautiful women to the Hebrews with the mission to seduce them and to make them participate in the cult of Beelphegor, idol of obscenity. The Hebrews committing such sins would then attract upon themselves the punishments of God (Nbre 31;16). And it is what happened.

Would Lucifer be less clever than Balaam? By pushing men to commit the sins which cry to God for vengeance, Lucifer provokes God to chastise them with the most severe chastisement.
I would like to bring your attention to 2 points. The first point is that if you check the official figures of abortion in Japan, you will notice that the highest numbers of abortions were recorded during the years right before Vatican II Council. More than 1 million abortions were officially committed every year. The question is: would it be a close connection between the high number of abortions committed in these years in the world and the disaster of Vatican II Council? In others words: was the number of abortions so high in the world, that the punishment of God would fall upon mankind under the form of the disastrous Vatican II Council and its consequences?
The second point I would like to mention is this one. The number of abortions in the world tends to decrease. For example, we see it in the official figures of abortion in Japan. This decrease means that there are lesser and lesser sins which cry to God for vengeance. This is certainly not a good thing for Lucifer. But also, we see an incredibly powerful propaganda in the world in favour of homosexuality. More and more countries legalize such perversion. Even children in schools are exposed intentionally to such perversion. Such development of homosexuality may let us think that Lucifer wants to compensate the decreasing number of abortions with an increasing number of sins of sodomy, so that God’s chastisement would continue to fall upon mankind.


To conclude this talk, let us ask ourselves the question: what can we do against abortion? As to abortion itself, we must denounce the iniquity of the law permitting abortion. We must counteract the pro-abortion propaganda with all the means at our disposal. We can counteract it publicly for example by participating to the March for Life, writing articles against abortion; we can also counteract the pro-abortion propaganda individually by turning women away from abortion if the occasion arises.
As to the spiritual effects of abortion, especially the chastisements which abortions attract upon our countries, we must do our best to neutralize them. How? St Paul wrote to the Colossians that God the Father “has delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in Whom we have redemption through His Blood, the remission of sins” (Col 1;13.14). The remedy against the spiritual consequences of abortion is the offering of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. So, during the March for Life, let us not forget, in our prayers, to offer again and again the Precious Blood of Jesus to the Holy Trinity in reparation for all the abortions committed in the world and in Japan especially.


