Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります

東京では11月26日から新しい場所で主日のミサが捧げられる予定です:Our Sunday mass location will be moving, starting on November 26.

2023年11月16日 | 聖伝のミサの予定



新しい聖堂の住所: さいたま市大宮区東町2ー256ー8 林ビル2F

Google マップ: <>
※ JR 大宮駅から北東方向に1キロメートルほど歩いたところにある、ベージュ色の3階建のビル、林ビルの2階です。

大宮駅まで: JR 大宮駅へは、JR 宇都宮線・高崎線で東京駅から 31 分、上野駅から 25 分です。
大宮駅から: JR 大宮駅東口から、北東方向に歩いて約 14 分です。(ファイル New Chapel in Omiya-20231009.pdf をご覧ください)

大宮駅から新しい聖堂へ歩いての行き方ファイル:Walking from Omiya Station to the New Chapel

Dear Brethren,

Our Sunday mass location will be moving to the new chapel in Omiya, starting on November 26.  Although some internal works are still to be completed over the next several weeks, we will be having Sunday masses there going forward, from Sunday, November 26.
Please also note that the mass location for the next Sunday (November 19) will remain Iriya Hall 2F.

*****New Chapel in Omiya***** 

From November 26, 2023, we will celebrate Sunday Masses at the new location: 

Address: Hayashi Building 2F, 2-256-8, Azuma-chô, Ômiya-ku, Saitama City
Google Map link: <>
* The chapel is on the 2nd floor of Hayashi Building, a beige-colored 3-story building, located approx. 1 km north-east of JR Ômiya Station.
To Ômiya Station: JR Ômiya Station is a 31-minute train ride (on JR Utsunomiya Line or JR Takasaki Line) away from JR Tôkyô Station, or a 25-minute ride from JR Ueno Station.

From Ômiya Station: From the East Exit of JR Ômiya Station, walk approximately 14 minutes in the north-eastern direction to reach the chapel. (Please see the file New Chapel in Omiya-20231009.pdf.)

File : Walking instruction from Omiya station to the New Chapel


