Winzeler EA, Shoemaker DD, Astromoff A, Liang H, Anderson K, Andre B, Bangham R, Benito R, Boeke JD, Bussey H, Chu AM, Connelly C, Davis K, Dietrich F, Dow SW, El Bakkoury M, Foury F, Friend SH, Gentalen E, Giaever G, Hegemann JH, Jones T, Laub M, Liao H, Liebundguth N, Lockhart DJ, Lucau-Danila A, Lussier M, M'Rabet N, Menard P, Mittmann M, Pai C, Rebischung C, Revuelta JL, Riles L, Roberts CJ, Ross-MacDonald P, Scherens B, Snyder M, Sookhai-Mahadeo S, Storms RK, Veronneau S, Voet M, Volckaert G, Ward TR, Wysocki R, Yen GS, Yu K, Zimmermann K, Philippsen P, Johnston M, Davis RW.
Functional characterization of the S. cerevisiae genome by gene deletion and parallel analysis.
Science. 1999 Aug 6;285(5429):901-6.
・Microarrayを使ったORFs (open reading frames)解析法の改良。遺伝子にバーコード(タグ)をつける。
・Yeastを研究材とする理由「The budding yeast S. cerevisiae serves as an important experimental organism for revealing gene function. In addition to carrying out all the basic functions of eukaryotic cells, up to 30% of positionally-cloned genes implicated in human disease have yeast homologs.」
・概要「We show that these barcodes allow large numbers of deletion strains to be pooled and analyzed in parallel in competitive growth assays. This detect, simultaneous, competitive assay of fitness increases the sensitivity, accuracy and speed with which growth defects can be detected relative to conventional methods.」
・利点「The barcoding scheme thus has the potential to accelerate the phenotypic analysis of the deletion strains by allowing the growth rates of all strains to be assayed simultaneously.」
・現況「Currently, more than three-quarters of the ORFs in the yeast genome have been deleted (5100 ORFS and more than 15,300 strains generated).」
・自分の分野とは似て非なる分野で、内容がほとんどつかめない。単にmicroarrayで発現量を見るだけ、という使い方ではないようだ。キーとなる"deletion strains"なる言葉が意味不明。
nature REVIEWS Microarrays collection マイクロアレイ特集
Functional characterization of the S. cerevisiae genome by gene deletion and parallel analysis.
Science. 1999 Aug 6;285(5429):901-6.
・Microarrayを使ったORFs (open reading frames)解析法の改良。遺伝子にバーコード(タグ)をつける。
・Yeastを研究材とする理由「The budding yeast S. cerevisiae serves as an important experimental organism for revealing gene function. In addition to carrying out all the basic functions of eukaryotic cells, up to 30% of positionally-cloned genes implicated in human disease have yeast homologs.」
・概要「We show that these barcodes allow large numbers of deletion strains to be pooled and analyzed in parallel in competitive growth assays. This detect, simultaneous, competitive assay of fitness increases the sensitivity, accuracy and speed with which growth defects can be detected relative to conventional methods.」
・利点「The barcoding scheme thus has the potential to accelerate the phenotypic analysis of the deletion strains by allowing the growth rates of all strains to be assayed simultaneously.」
・現況「Currently, more than three-quarters of the ORFs in the yeast genome have been deleted (5100 ORFS and more than 15,300 strains generated).」
・自分の分野とは似て非なる分野で、内容がほとんどつかめない。単にmicroarrayで発現量を見るだけ、という使い方ではないようだ。キーとなる"deletion strains"なる言葉が意味不明。
nature REVIEWS Microarrays collection マイクロアレイ特集