Atul Butte
The use and analysis of microarray data(マイクロアレイデータの利用と解析)
Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2002 Dec;1(12):951-60.
・遺伝子間の距離の測度(dissimilarity measures)を三つ紹介。
1.Eucluidean distance
2.Pearson correlation coefficient
3.Mutual information
<unsupervised techniques>
1.Hierarchical clustering
2.Self-organizing maps
3.Relevance networks
4.Principal-components analysis
<supervised techniques>
5.Neaest neighbours
6.Support vector machines
・目次より概要「マイクロアレイは、遺伝子機能を探究するための基礎的手段であり、標的の同定、毒物ゲノミクス、生物マーカーの検索といった新薬発見のさまざまな側面において中心的な役割を担うようになっている。Atul Butteは、大量のマイクロアレイデータを解析するためのさまざまな方法を評価し、測定結果を解釈する上での課題について論じた。」
・二種類のチップの特性「spotted cDNA microarrays, which report differences in gene expression between two samples, and oligonucleotide microarrays, which report absolute expression levels. 」
・注意点「Normalization techniques for one microarray technology might not apply to another, owing to differences in assunptions and the distributions of output measurements.」
・「When determining whether a particular gene is differentially expressed between two samples, there are four characteristics that need to be considered:
1.absolute expression level, or whether the gene is expressed at a high or low level
2.subtractive degree of change between groups, or the difference in expression levels across samples (calculated using subtraction)
3.fold change between groups, or the ratio of expression levels across samples (calculated by division)
4.reproducibility of the measurement, or whether samples with similar characteristics have similar amounts of the gene transcript.」
The use and analysis of microarray data(マイクロアレイデータの利用と解析)
Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2002 Dec;1(12):951-60.
・遺伝子間の距離の測度(dissimilarity measures)を三つ紹介。
1.Eucluidean distance
2.Pearson correlation coefficient
3.Mutual information
<unsupervised techniques>
1.Hierarchical clustering
2.Self-organizing maps
3.Relevance networks
4.Principal-components analysis
<supervised techniques>
5.Neaest neighbours
6.Support vector machines
・目次より概要「マイクロアレイは、遺伝子機能を探究するための基礎的手段であり、標的の同定、毒物ゲノミクス、生物マーカーの検索といった新薬発見のさまざまな側面において中心的な役割を担うようになっている。Atul Butteは、大量のマイクロアレイデータを解析するためのさまざまな方法を評価し、測定結果を解釈する上での課題について論じた。」
・二種類のチップの特性「spotted cDNA microarrays, which report differences in gene expression between two samples, and oligonucleotide microarrays, which report absolute expression levels. 」
・注意点「Normalization techniques for one microarray technology might not apply to another, owing to differences in assunptions and the distributions of output measurements.」
・「When determining whether a particular gene is differentially expressed between two samples, there are four characteristics that need to be considered:
1.absolute expression level, or whether the gene is expressed at a high or low level
2.subtractive degree of change between groups, or the difference in expression levels across samples (calculated using subtraction)
3.fold change between groups, or the ratio of expression levels across samples (calculated by division)
4.reproducibility of the measurement, or whether samples with similar characteristics have similar amounts of the gene transcript.」