Kerby Shedden, Wei Chen, Rork Kuick, Debashis Ghosh, James Macdonald, Kathleen R Cho, Thomas J Giordano, Stephen B Gruber, Eric R Fearon, Jeremy MG Taylor, and Samir Hanash
Comparison of seven methods for producing Affymetrix expression scores based on False Discovery Rates in disease profiling data
BMC Bioinformatics. 2005; 6: 26. Published online 2005 February 10. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-6-26.
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1.Ovary tumor : 79サンプル
2.Colon tumor : 47サンプル
1.Dchip : この分野の初期の頃から使用されてきた
4.MAS5 : Affymetrix標準の処理法
7.TM(trimmed mean) : まだあまり知られていない方法
・評価法 : 上記7つの方法について、それぞれt-test statisticとWilcoxon rank-sum statistic(Mann-Whitney statistic)をそれぞれ計算しFDRで評価する
・目的「Our goal here was to carry out a comparative study of Affymetrix array processing methods using data sets from typical biological experiments seeking differentially expressed genes in human tissue samples.」
・結果「Based on an overall measure of performance, two of the seven methods (Dchip and a trimmed mean approach) are superior in the two data sets considered here. Two other methods (MAS5 and GCRMA-EB) are inferior, while results for the other methods are mixed.」
・Hoffmann R, Seidl T, Dugas M: Profound effect of normalization on detection of differentially expressed genes in oligonucleotide microarray data analysis. Genome Biol 2002, 3:RESEARCH0033.
Comparison of seven methods for producing Affymetrix expression scores based on False Discovery Rates in disease profiling data
BMC Bioinformatics. 2005; 6: 26. Published online 2005 February 10. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-6-26.
[PDF][Web Site]
1.Ovary tumor : 79サンプル
2.Colon tumor : 47サンプル
1.Dchip : この分野の初期の頃から使用されてきた
4.MAS5 : Affymetrix標準の処理法
7.TM(trimmed mean) : まだあまり知られていない方法
・評価法 : 上記7つの方法について、それぞれt-test statisticとWilcoxon rank-sum statistic(Mann-Whitney statistic)をそれぞれ計算しFDRで評価する
・目的「Our goal here was to carry out a comparative study of Affymetrix array processing methods using data sets from typical biological experiments seeking differentially expressed genes in human tissue samples.」
・結果「Based on an overall measure of performance, two of the seven methods (Dchip and a trimmed mean approach) are superior in the two data sets considered here. Two other methods (MAS5 and GCRMA-EB) are inferior, while results for the other methods are mixed.」
・Hoffmann R, Seidl T, Dugas M: Profound effect of normalization on detection of differentially expressed genes in oligonucleotide microarray data analysis. Genome Biol 2002, 3:RESEARCH0033.