権利の主張だけでは世界終末に至りますが、地球倫理/人間責任を共に守ればそれは避けられます。「必要の時の友は真の友」は今自他共にこれを守る事です。 共に地球倫理を守り、世界人務宣言が発布され共に守る様に自覚覚他に努め、周知徹底の為に努力しましょう❣
註1.五戒の最初の四項目は地球倫理宣言では以下の取り消し不能の四教令として皆が守るよう要請されています。第五項目が2018年に加えられました: 1.非暴力と生命の尊重の文化への献身
2.根本的要請:すべての人間は人間として扱われなければならない。 3.四つの取り消し不能の教令
6.宗教 (religion) は「聖 (holy: wholly wholesome: 全体健全, Rudolf Otto の宗教の定義) への帰一(ラテン語religareにreligionは由来)ですがその理想像は友(Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Mile, 弥勒, Messiahなど)です。これは未来の救世主とされていますが、各自の可能性であり、未来の他者を待つだけでは何時までも理想社会は実現不可能でしょう(参照:依自不依他、依法不依他)。
7. 戦争は殺生、偸盗、虚偽、凌辱など一切の悪を含みますが、不殺生など地球倫理を守れば戦争は起こり得ません。国内では禁止されるこれらの罪悪を他国人に対して為す戦争は国庫主義という妄信に基づいています。我や我国だけを考え、他や他国を考えない自己中心は地球・生態などを無視した短見・偏見であり、情報化・民主化・地球化の時代には許されません。(参照:E.カッシラー「国家の神話」)
8.諸文献(地球倫理宣言・世界人間責任宣言)は下記でご覧下さい: https://globalethic.network/2023/02/19/promote-global-ethic-human-responsibilities-2/
The doomsday clock is at its worst state yet, 90 seconds to doomsday, due to the worsening of the global situation, especially the war and nuclear threat.
This is due to human karma, especially its triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion.
If we still these, and especially if we observe the five precepts of no killing, etc., we can prevent doomsday.
No killing, stealing, lying, and sexual misconduct, the first four of the five precepts, are the essential items to live as friends together in the related/relative dharma (truth/ethic) world, and they’re required in the Declaration of a Global Ethic.
At the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it was requested that the U.N. adopt and publish
The Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities, based on the Global Ethic, as its counterpart.
The assertion of rights only would lead to doomsday, but if we observe the Global Ethic/Human Responsibilities together, doomsday can be avoided.
“A friend in need is a friend indeed” is to observe them together now. Let us observe the Global Ethic, strive for awakening, take action for the Universal Declarations of Human Responsibilities to be issued and observed together, and make them become known and realized!
Note 1. The four items of the five precepts are requested as the four inalienable directives to be observed by all in the Global Ethic. The fifth was added in 2018 C.E.
1. Commitment to the culture of non-violence and respect for life
2. Commitment to the culture of solidarity and a just economic order
3. Commitment to the culture of tolerance and truthful living
4. Commitment to the culture of equality and partnership between men and women
5. Commitment to the culture of global sustainability and caring
2. The Declaration of a Global Ethic was employed and issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions, a gathering of more than seven thousand people in Chicago in 1993, when movements to avoid the danger of nuclear war throughout the world were forming.
3. The Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities, based on the Declaration of a Global Ethic, was proposed and presented to the U.N. by the Interaction Council of former state heads and religious representatives.
4. As Gandhi said, “The Ganges of rights issues from the Himalaya of responsibilities.” The order and welfare, and peace and prosperity of the related and relative world in interdependent co-origination, require that responsibilities be observed first, and that rights be allowed within their limits.
5. The Global Ethic lists the following fundamental principles:
1. There is no new world order without the global ethic.
2. The fundamental requirement: All humans must be treated as humans.
3. There are four inalienable directives.
6. Religion (from Latin religare: to reunite) is reunion with the holy (wholly wholesome, as Rudolf Otto defined religion) and its ideal figure is Friend (Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Lile, 弥勒, Messiah, et al). These are considered to be future saviors, but everyone can and must aspire to be such a friend, as simply waiting for a future other would make it impossible to realize an ideal society/world.
7. War includes all evils, like killing, stealing, lying, raping, etc., but if the Global Ethic is observed, war can’t happen. Wars in which these crimes are committed are prohibited in all countries, but they are done to other countries and people based on a blind belief in nationalism. Selfishness thinking, considering only the self and the country of the self, and not thinking of others and others’ countries, is short-sighted and biased, ignoring the globe, ecosystem, etc., and can’t be allowed in the age of the information revolution, democratization, and globalization. (cf. E. Cassirer, Thy Myth of the State).
8. Documents (Declaration of Global Ethic/Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities) may please be referred to: https://globalethic.network/2023/02/19/promote-global-ethic-human-responsibilities-2/
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