愛する兄弟姉妹の皆様を聖伝のミサ(トリエント・ミサ ラテン語ミサ)にご招待します。
最新情報は次のカレンダーをクリック年間の予定はSSPX JAPAN MISSION CALENDARをご覧下さい。
【大阪】「聖ピオ十世会 聖母の汚れなき御心聖堂」 大阪府大阪市淀川区東三国4丁目10-2 EG新御堂4階 〒532-0002 (アクセス)JR「新大阪駅」の東口より徒歩10-15分、地下鉄御堂筋線「東三国駅」より徒歩2-3分(地図)
7月17日(金) 17:30 ロザリオ及び告解 18:00 ミサ聖祭
7月18日(土) 10:00 ロザリオ及び告解 10:30 ミサ聖祭
7月19日(日) 17:30 ロザリオ及び告解 18:00 ミサ聖祭
7月20日(月) 06:30 ミサ聖祭
【東京】 7月5日(日)から、東京では会場がもと通り、いつもの会場になっています。
これまでの会場は「聖ピオ十世会 聖なる日本の殉教者巡回聖堂」 東京都文京区本駒込1-12-5 曙町児童会館(地図 )
09:00 ミサ聖祭 歌ミサ(ライブ中継をいたします)Facebook live
11:00 ミサ聖祭 読誦ミサ
12:30 ミサ聖祭 読誦ミサ
Ave Maria Immaculata!
My dearest Brethren!
I want to reconfirm the Mass schedule for the weekend of July 19, 2020.
Mass times in Tokyo:
09:00 - Sung mass Facebook live
11:00 - Low mass
12:30 - Low mass
It would help us maintain proper social distancing if you could consider spreading your mass attendance among the three masses. For your information, Sunday mass attendances were as follows:
June 28
09:00 - 25
11:00 - 25
12:30 - 23
July 5
09:00 - 32
11:00 - 26
12:30 - 22
July 12
09:00 - 31
11:00 - 23
12:30 - 26
Mass location in TOKYO:
"Holy Japanese Martyrs' Mass Center"
Akebonocho Jido-kaikan
1-12-5 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Mass schedule in OSAKA:
Fri, July 17: Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 18:00
Sat, July 18: Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 10:30
Sun, July 19: Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 18:00
Mon, July 20: Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 06:30 am.
Continuing requests regarding our measures against the coronavirus:
Responding, singing and talking in the room
We have been told by the administrator of this place that some of the neighbors are concerned about the sound level of our masses. To alleviate their concern, all of us need to try to keep our sound level reasonable, which will also help us mitigate the virus transmission risk.
(a) We will keep the windows on the right side open, but those on the left side closed.
(b) During the mass, please do not raise your voice in responses (e.g., et cum spiritu tuo, amen); instead let the servers respond.
(c) The same rule applies to the prayers after the mass (Ave Maria, Salve Regina, etc.) - please do not raise your voice; instead let the servers respond.
(d) Please refrain from talking in a loud voice with other people before and after the mass.
Finally, as always, please remember to wash or sanitize your hands when you arrive.