今日、札幌からきた若いNPOスタッフと自然学校の校庭で打ち合わせをしていました。 すると、そこへ一匹の蛇が後ろからテーブルの下にやってきました。驚きましたが、蛇嫌いの私は叫び声はあげませんでした。 蛇には獲物の狙いがあるようでした・・・・。 体長は1m以上あった。
Today, I had a meeting with a young NPO staff from Sapporo at our nature school garden. At the same time, a snake was coming to under the table from the back. I much dislike the snake. I was suprised but without a scream . The snake looked like to have the victim(target).
The length of body was over the one meter.
じっと見ていると、蛇は鶏小屋をめざしているようでした。 獲物は玉子らしかった。
We watched fixedly, the snake would look like to approch to Chiken(Hen) house・・・・The victim maight be the egg.
The snake passed through the fence and coming to the Hen house closer and closer.
The snake was looking for the entrance to the hen-house, lifting his head....., At last he had found the small hole on the wall and beginig to raid into the Hen-house!!!!!!!!!!
あたしは迷った・・・どうするべきか・・・、 若者のが見ている・・。 しかたなく、意を決して、壁際に走り、あと、20cm残っている蛇のしっぽを掴んで、引っ張った。
I wondered whether I help or not......., the young also watching...., I had no choice, I had decided to help and run to the wall of hen-house. I had gripped the last 20cm end of the snake and pull at strongly.
綱引きは10秒位だったでしょうか。 私が勝ち、引っ張り出した蛇をハンマー投げのように振り回して塀の向こう側に投げ捨てたのでした。
The rope play continued for around 10 minutes and I got the win!!!! I swung the snake around like the hammer throw and threw away over the fence. This is my twice experience to grip the snake!!!!!!!
Thank you reading my long sentence・・・・・Please correct the mistakes.
Today, I had a meeting with a young NPO staff from Sapporo at our nature school garden. At the same time, a snake was coming to under the table from the back. I much dislike the snake. I was suprised but without a scream . The snake looked like to have the victim(target).
The length of body was over the one meter.
じっと見ていると、蛇は鶏小屋をめざしているようでした。 獲物は玉子らしかった。
We watched fixedly, the snake would look like to approch to Chiken(Hen) house・・・・The victim maight be the egg.
The snake passed through the fence and coming to the Hen house closer and closer.
The snake was looking for the entrance to the hen-house, lifting his head....., At last he had found the small hole on the wall and beginig to raid into the Hen-house!!!!!!!!!!
あたしは迷った・・・どうするべきか・・・、 若者のが見ている・・。 しかたなく、意を決して、壁際に走り、あと、20cm残っている蛇のしっぽを掴んで、引っ張った。
I wondered whether I help or not......., the young also watching...., I had no choice, I had decided to help and run to the wall of hen-house. I had gripped the last 20cm end of the snake and pull at strongly.
綱引きは10秒位だったでしょうか。 私が勝ち、引っ張り出した蛇をハンマー投げのように振り回して塀の向こう側に投げ捨てたのでした。
The rope play continued for around 10 minutes and I got the win!!!! I swung the snake around like the hammer throw and threw away over the fence. This is my twice experience to grip the snake!!!!!!!
Thank you reading my long sentence・・・・・Please correct the mistakes.