Sermon for the 16th Sunday 2018 ― Fr. Karl Stehlin, FSSPX
We know the great motto and ideal of Saint Pius X, which he explained in his first encyclical letter: OMNIA INSTAURARE IN CHRISTO. – RESTORE ALL THINGS IN CHRIST! In his second encyclical, dedicated to Our Lady he affirms: For can anyone fail to see that there is no surer or more direct road than by Mary for uniting all mankind in Christ and obtaining through Him the perfect adoption of sons, that we may be holy and immaculate in the sight of God? And he quotes the words of Saint Elisabeth: “Blessed who hast BELIEVED”, and the explanation of Saint Leo the Great of the “new nativity of Our Lord” in her, to foster the truth, that His Mother most holy should be recognized as participating in the divine mysteries and as being in a manner the guardian of them, and that upon her as upon a foundation, the noblest after Christ, rises the edifice of the faith of all centuries. Saint Maximilian Kolbe does just repeat this vision of the pope, when he takes as his Motto inspired by St. Pius X:
Omnia instaurare in Christo PER IMMACULATAM!
- Now the Holy Pope teaches the role of Mary in the very work of salvation: God could make it otherwise, but He wanted to give us His Son only through Mary, therefore it
only remains for us to receive Christ from the hands of Mary. He continues with a very deep and uncommon reflection: Christ saved us in giving us the divine grace. Now whenever the Revelation speaks of the grace,
the Redeemer of mankind is almost invariably presented to us as united with His mother.
Through Her alone we come to the true knowledge of Jesus, because
with her alone of all others Jesus was for thirty years united, as a son is usually united with a mother, in the closest ties of intimacy and domestic life. Who could better than His Mother have an open knowledge of the admirable mysteries of the birth and childhood of Christ, and above all of the mystery of the Incarnation, which is the beginning and the foundation of faith? Mary not only preserved and meditated on the events of Bethlehem and the facts which took place in Jerusalem in the Temple of the Lord, but sharing as she did the thoughts and the secret wishes of Christ she may be said to have lived the very life of her Son. Hence nobody ever knew Christ so profoundly as she did, and nobody can ever be more competent as a guide and teacher of the knowledge of Christ.
Now this true “knowledge of Christ” IS the union with Christ and holiness according to His Words:
"Now this is eternal life: That they may know thee the only truly God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent" (John xvii., 3), and since it is through Mary that we attain to the knowledge of Christ, through Mary also we most easily obtain that life of which Christ is the source and origin. In other words, Mary is the “mother of the new life of Christ” = the New Eve! And here is the source of all our hopes: the zeal of THIS mother to give us the true life of God, is our last hope!
And the Pope explains, why it is so:
a) First because of Her spiritual motherhood:
For is not Mary the Mother of Christ? Then she is our Mother also. And we must in truth hold that Christ, the Word made Flesh, is also the Savior of mankind. He had a physical body like that of any other man: and again as Savior of the human family, he had a spiritual and mystical body, the society, namely, of those who believe in Christ. Now the Blessed Virgin did not conceive the Eternal Son of God merely in order that He might be made man taking His human nature from her, but also in order that by means of the nature assumed from her He might be the Redeemer of men. Wherefore in the same holy bosom of his most chaste Mother Christ took to Himself flesh, and united to Himself the spiritual body formed by those who were to believe in Him. Hence Mary, carrying the Savior within her, may be said to have also carried all those whose life was contained in the life of the Savior. Therefore all we who are united to Christ... have issued from the womb of Mary like a body united to its head. Hence, though in a spiritual and mystical fashion, we are all children of Mary, and she is Mother of us all.
Dear Faithful, admire this FIRST essential aspect of the mystery of Her Immaculate Heart:
the loving heart of Our Mother! The pope teaches: with the same LOVE, with which HER HEART was beating for HIM, She loved us! As in her body was HE physically, so are we in Her HEART spiritually in mystically. In fact, the office of Her Heart is to love, to be mother, to
transfuse His gifts into us, His members, and above all that of knowing Him and living through Him (I John iv., 9).
b) Secondly because she is The Co-redemptrix: the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are united to give birth to the children of God: what Jesus had suffered in his body, Mary suffered in her HEART:
hers was also the office of tending and nourishing that Victim, and at the appointed time presenting Him for the sacrifice. Hence that uninterrupted community of life and labors of the Son and the Mother... When the supreme hour of the Son came, beside the Cross of Jesus there stood Mary His Mother, not merely occupied in contemplating the cruel spectacle, but rejoicing that her Only Son was offered for the salvation of mankind, and so entirely participating in His Passion, that if it had been possible she would have gladly borne all the torments that her Son bore. And from this community of will and suffering between Christ and Mary she merited to become most worthily the Reparatrix of the lost world and Dispensatrix of all the gifts that Our Savior purchased for us by His Death and by His Blood.
The Holy Pope makes us meditate the sorrowful Mother at the footsteps of the Cross: The New Adam together with the New Eve give birth to the new redeemed mankind:
By this companionship in sorrow and suffering already mentioned between the Mother and the Son, it has been allowed to the august Virgin to be the most powerful mediatrix and advocate of the whole world with her Divine Son (Pius IX. Ineffabilis). The source, then, is Jesus Christ "of whose fullness we have all received" ... But Mary is the channel or, if you will, the connecting portion the function of which is to join the body to the head and to transmit to the body the influences and volitions of the head - We mean the neck. Yes, says St. Bernardine of Sienna, "she is the neck of Our Head, by which He communicates to His mystical body all spiritual gifts". …
This doctrine of the Pope is perfectly expressed by Our Lady of Fatima, during the last apparition, when She came to ask for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart (it was in TUY, the 13 May 1928). Sister Lucy describes this vision: “Suddenly the whole chapel became bright with a supernatural light, and above the altar appeared a luminous cross that extended to the ceiling. In an even brighter light appeared above the cross the face of a man with his body down to the waist. In front of his chest was a dove, also made entirely of light, and nailed to the cross was the body of another man. A little below his hips appeared a chalice floating in the air and a large host, upon which fell the drops of blood that streamed from the face of the Crucified and from His wounded side. They flowed down upon the host, and from there they fell into the chalice. Beneath the cross to the right was Our Lady with her Immaculate Heart in her hand (it was Our Lady of Fatima with her Immaculate Heart, which she held in her left hand, without a sword or roses, but rather surrounded with a crown of thorns and all aflame). Beneath the cross on the left appeared large letters, as though made of crystal-clear water, that flowed from the hand of the Crucified down upon the altar and formed the following words: Grace and Mercy. I understood that the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity was being shown to me; and I received insights into this mystery that I am not allowed to reveal.”
The ultimate purpose and deepest meaning of her apparitions is founded upon this mystery: that all the particular graces that she wants to give the world through Fatima (and other shrines) are intended to direct people to a very profound reality, namely the true meaning of the Immaculata in the mystery of God and redemption. Everything comes from God the Father, who sends the Son to the world and together with the Son breathes out the Holy Ghost. The Father is the original source of all being, of all life, of all love. From the Father’s heart the Son is begotten and the Holy Ghost is spirated. The mission of the Son is the redemption of the world upon the cross. In the vision at Tuy the cross takes up the whole room, from the altar to the ceiling. The cross is the revelation of God’s love in its entirety; through the Crucified all “grace and mercy” is granted to us. The blood that flows from the Redeemer’s wounds is collected in the mystery of the host and the chalice: Christ’s entire work of redemption is present in the Most Holy Eucharist, in which the Sacrifice on Calvary is re-presented and renewed. The mission of the Holy Ghost is the “illumination” of the whole work of redemption, namely making all of God’s love shine forth as light, grace and strength, and thus bringing God’s entire work to perfection. This action, God’s self-giving, His descent into the world for us and for our salvation, is collected in the Heart of the Immaculata, which is entirely light from the light of the Holy Ghost and which receives into itself all of God’s love. Her heart is the palpable expression of her inmost being: of her soul, which is completely filled with the Holy Ghost; of her intelligence, which is full of unfathomable wisdom; of her will, which is full of devotion and love. She alone stands there beneath the cross as the New Eve beside the New Adam, so as to bring forth with him the redeemed human race. She stands there as the first fruit of the redemptive sacrifice, to which she owes the miracle of her Immaculate Conception. Her heart appears pierced by the thorns of Christ’s crown of thorns: it means that she is the Co-Redemptrix, who of all creatures shares most fully in his suffering. She holds this heart in her hand, that is, she holds it out to us, she gives it to us, for she is our Mother. Enkindled by the Spirit of Love, her heart burns for her children, which she bore on Mount Calvary amidst a thousand pains, and which she now desires to snatch at all costs from eternal destruction.
The Immaculata with her radiant Heart now touches our world. From her flows this entire love-filled outpouring of the Trinity further on into souls. This is God’s actio, the initial movement of divine love, which the Doctors of the Church call the “going forth” or the exitus. This actio is also symbolized by the flowing, living water that pours out of the wound of the Crucified down into the world as “grace and mercy”.
After meditating the above mentioned passage of Saint Pius X and comparing them with the vision of Tuy, we may ask, whether the Pope did not have a similar vision of HER to write SO PROFOUNDLY about Her role and Her mystery than no Pope before!!!
A) First the Faith: the Holy Pope explains the errors of the liberals and modernists and gives as the remedy the simple fact of the Immaculate Conception:
They begin by denying that man has fallen by sin and been cast down from his former position. Hence they regard as mere fables original sin and the evils that were its consequence. Humanity vitiated in its source vitiated in its turn the whole race of man; and thus was evil introduced amongst men and the necessity for a Redeemer involved. All this rejected it is easy to understand that no place is left for Christ, for the Church, for grace or for anything that is above and beyond nature; in one word the whole edifice of faith is shaken from top to bottom. Against this stands the glorious figure of the Immaculata, who herself very clearly vanquishes all heresies:
But let people believe and confess that the Virgin Mary has been from the first moment of her conception preserved from all stain; and it is straightway necessary that they should admit both original sin and the rehabilitation of the human race by Jesus Christ, the Gospel, and the Church and the law of suffering. By the virtue of this Rationalism and Materialism is torn up by the roots and destroyed, and there remains to Christian wisdom the glory of having to guard and protect the truth.
With this striking example the pope explains, how and why the Immaculate Heart is our salvation in the latter times, that She alone will vanquish the worst of all crisis in the church.
B) Hope:
our faith is confirmed and our hope aroused and strengthened by the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin. The Virgin was kept the more free from all stain of original sin because she was to be the Mother of Christ; and she was the Mother of Christ that the hope of everlasting happiness might be born again in our souls. Mary “spes nostra”! This hope concerns specially the latter times for which the pope writes: What is the devotion to Her Immaculate Heart other than the last sign of hope for our times? The inspite of all attacks of the devil we can become saints? That SHE keeps us free and crushs Satan's head when he attacks us?!!
C) LOVE: the vision of the pope culminates in the great mystery of the apocalyptic women, and that SHE brings us back to the deepest sense of our life, which is LOVE OF GOD AND THE NEIGHBOR! This is exactly the office of Her Immaculate Heart which is GOD'S LOVE ON EARTH – to give her children again this burning love and so make them saints:
Who can contemplate the Immaculate Virgin without feeling moved to fulfill that precept which Christ called peculiarly His own, namely that of loving one another as He loved us? "A great sign appears in the heavens: A woman clothed with the sun, and with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars upon her head". Everyone knows that this woman signified the Virgin Mary, the stainless one who brought forth our Head. The Apostle continues: "And, being with child, she cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered". John therefore saw the Most Holy Mother of God already in eternal happiness, yet travailing in a mysterious childbirth. What birth was it? Surely it was the birth of us who, still in exile, are yet to be generated to the perfect charity of God, and to eternal happiness. And the birth pains show the love and desire with which the Virgin from heaven above watches over us, and strives with unwearying prayer to bring about the fulfillment of the number of the elect.
The Immaculate Heart wants to transform our hearts and make us continue HER love on earth towards the poor sinners (that is whole message of Fatima): to console Jesus Christ and convert the poor sinners!
This same charity we desire that all should earnestly endeavor to attain ... Oh how bitterly and fiercely is Jesus Christ now being persecuted, and the most holy religion which he founded! And how grave is the peril that threatens many of being drawn away by the errors that are afoot on all sides, to the abandonment of the faith! … And let all, with humble prayer and entreaty, implore of God, through the intercession of Mary, that those who have abandoned the truth may repent. We know, indeed, from experience that such prayer, born of charity and relying on the Virgin, has never been vain. Always it will be true, that "Today the head of the serpent of old was crushed by her" .
Saint Pius X is our patron. What he wrote more than 100 years ago, it revelant for us more than for anybody else in history. We could add, that after 100 years, after the great manifestations of Fatima and the extraordinary revival of the Catholic Church thanks to the great marian movements, we have yet more visible proofs, that ONLY SHE CAN SAVE US: ask St. Pius X to fulfil his vows in the encyclical, to apply its contents, to study it, to enter fully in the armies of Our Lady, to be her FAITHFUL KNIGHT and so save your souls and many others. And you will see with your own eyes: