Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります

御降誕で私たちに与えられた高貴さについて: ピーター・フォルティン神父様 主の御降誕(真夜中のミサ)説教

2019年12月29日 | お説教・霊的講話
2019年の主の御降誕の真夜中のミサの説教 大阪
聖ピオ十世会司祭 ピーター・フォルティン神父様










Sermon for Christmas Midnight Mass Japan 2019
Fr Peter Fortin, FSSPX

My dear Faithful,

Just a few words for this beautiful feast of the Holy Nativity at the Midnight Mass. Each Mass makes a type of demand on us. We are instructed by the texts of the Mass, there is a particular grace given and then a demand is made of us or rather a change that we must make in our lives. We could look at the Christ Child and ask His directive for us to live our life.

For the Mass tonight we can sum it up with one word, the instruction and what we are called to, that is “nobilitas” which is a term used for those belonging to a hereditary class with high social or political status. This instruction of nobilitas is illustrated in the epistle “The grace of God Our Savior has appeared to all men, instructing us that, denying impiety and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, and justly, and piously in this world.” We are part of a nobilitas, a noble race.

Our Lord in becoming man has enobled man by Him taking our nature and by Him giving us His grace. We can truly say Our Lord has partaken of our nature. He has become a second Adam to a new and better race. The first Adam brought upon his children impiety, pride and desire for worldly things. Our Lord renews or recreates His race by giving a new commandment to set apart His race. This command is to be noble so we must live soberly, justly and piously as is written in the Epistle. These words describe how we must live in relation to God, our neighbors and ourselves. Soberly in regards to ourselves, exhibiting self-control, self-denial and humility. Justly towards our neighbor and piously or devoutly towards God.

For the race of Adam is marked by selfishness, and giving into covetousness, lust and pride. The new race, coming from Our Lord is bound to practice the virtues going against these marks, we must act soberly we must practice mortification, self-denial and Our Lord must rule as king in the realm of the soul, not just ourselves. We should look at Our Lord in the crib and learn of the meaning of mortification. We can pick an example in the life of King St. Louis IX who esteemed more his spiritual dignity of his baptism more so than of temporal crown. He took very seriously this notion of nobilitas and exhibited a true nobility as coming from Our Lord. When he was crowned king, he was terrified of the responsibility but accepted with these obligations, only for the divine honor, the defense of the church, and the good of his people. As a young prince, he had to present in court filled with corruption and debauchery but he did not give into the many temptations that would have presented itself in form of money, women, food and drink, power or pleasure.

Secondly, a man must refine his relations with His neighbor. Before Our Lord came, men were at enmity. With the coming of Our Lord, He establishes justice between all. To give each man their due. The true sense of justice is motivated by charity. By love we fulfill the law of justice. St. Louis is known for totally reforming the justice system in France and getting rid of unjust measures against citizens. When St. Louis was at his court when he was king, he was known to feed and serve himself one hundred poor every day and established houses where the poor and sick could be cared for.

Thirdly, we must be devoted towards God. True piety is found in the absolute service of God. Serving Him and loving Him above all things. Following His Will in love and obedience is true piety.

We should approach the crib and pray in thanksgiving for the having granted this nobilitas to us and to continue to provide us with the grace to practice anew sobriety, justice and piety. The mother of St. Louis, Blanche of Castile would say “I love you my dear son, with all the tenderness a mother is capable of; but I would infinitely rather see you fall down dead at my feet, than that you should ever commit a mortal sin.” He was known to offer the divine office, and to hear two masses a day as well as to visit various churches and spend time in prayer. He embarked on two crusades deeming it necessary to answer the call of Christendom rather than to rule at his kingdom.

We see in the example of St. Louis the ideal of a Catholic Monarch but most importantly the nobilitas that he exhibited during his life which he acknowledged as coming from Our Lord. Let us ask Our Lord in the crib to live up to the nobilitas that he has bestowed upon us by Our Lord becoming man and by his raising us by His grace and example.

