夏休みに海外から学生が滞在するので、英語の練習のつもりで、facebookに毎日書いている英語日記。 せっかくだから、ブログでも転載記録していこう・・・。 公開していると、自分にプレッシャーがかかるので、続けられますし、誰かが直してくれます。
This is my duty diary for practice English for our summer camp with foreign students. Please correct the mistakes.
Last Sunday, local election of Tokyo was put. It was very important election for expecting about the next national election of the Upper House,SANGI-IN. We will vote at the end of this July. Now JIMIN(The Liberal-Domocratic Party) & KOUMEI(New Komeito) are the parties having a majority power in the Japanese Representative House, SHUUGI-IN . Although the election of Tokyo was local, JIMIN&KOUMEI parties won a great victory. So, I am afraid of their absolute win at the next national election. Because I am a localist, not a globalist. These parties push forward to the globalism. I like the localism.